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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/15 15:10  新浪教育

  练习 五十一

  1. If you get in a foreign city,you'd better stay where you are and wait for your friends to come to your help.

  A. lose B.to lose C.losing D.lost

  2. Though the girl ____ to learn Japanese, she couldn’t catch up with her classmates.

  A. made effort B. made all her efforts

  C. took every effort D. gave her efforts

  3.—Do you regret ___ 100 dollars for the painting?

  —No, I would gladly have paid ___for it.

  A. to pay; twice so much B. to have paid; as much twice

  C. paying; twice as much D. having paid’ so much twice

  4. The teacher said, “Boys and girls, you ___ to meet for the film at the cinema gate at 7:05 . Please be there on time.”

  A. should B. must C. are supposed D. are wanted

  5. As I know ,there is ____ car in this neighborhood.

  A. no such B. no a C. not such D. no such a

  6. —I ____ she ___out alone at night.

  —I’m afraid not, she’s a brave girl.

  A. dare say; daren’t go B. dare to say; daren’t go

  C. dared say; doesn’t dare to go D. dare say; daren’t go

  7. China Daily , ____ in Beijing, is a daily newspaper,____ from Monday to Saturday.

  A. publishing; appearing B. published; appeared

  C. published; appearing D. publishing; appeared

  8. During the two conferences, journalists from all over China and the world came to ___ them.

  A. write B. watch C. discover D. cover

  9. Sign the attendance list and ___ others.

  A. pass it on to B. pass on to C. pass it onto D. past it to

  10. The lost boys were seen at last ____ by the riverside.

  A. playing B. to be playing C. play D. played

  11. Strong wind almost swept her down off the cliff (悬崖). Luckily she ____ a tall tree there.

  A. held onto B. was caught C. blocked D. got

  12. During the war his house _____ by a 500-bounder (炸弹)and he lost almost _____.

  A. damaged; anything B. destroyed; everything

  C. injured; something D. hurt; anything

  13.You must see that it is easier to ____ debt than to get out of it.

  A. pay off B. get rid of C. pay for D. get into

  14. Lincoln was active _____ politics and he was strongly ____ slavery.

  A. with; for B. in; in C. with; between D. in; against

  15. That boy was praised at the meeting because he was thought ____ a good example to all of his schoolmates.

  A. to set B. to be setting C. to have set D. setting


  1. D get lost迷路。get+及物动词的过去分词形式也可构成被动语态。在get+done所在的句式中不用by引出谓语动词在逻辑上的主语。

  2. B make all one’s efforts为固定搭配,意思是“某人尽全力”。

  3. C regret后跟动名词的一般式、完成式和不定式的完成式都表示对过去做过的事情感到后悔,跟不定式一般式表示对即将做的事情感到遗憾,常用来表达委婉。twice as much为倍数的表达法,在这里为省略形式,相当于twice as much as that。

  4. C be supposed to do 此处理解为“应当”,相当于should,但should后面应跟动词原形,所以选项A 不对。

  5. D 当such遇不定冠词a (n)时,要放在该冠词之前;遇all, no one, few, several, some, any等时,则放在其后,表示“这样的,这种的,如此的”。例如:such a man; all such men; no such thing; one such dictionary; man; such cases.

  6. D dare用作情态动词时只有一种形式,后跟不带to的不定式,主要用于否定句和疑问句,也可用于陈述句I dare say这一固定习语中;dare作情态动词,其否定形式是daren’t .

  7. C 本题考查非谓语动词。第一空publish与China Daily间为被动关系,因此用过去分词作定语;appear为不及物动词,因此用现在分词作定语。

  8. C discover在这里的意思是“了解;认识”的意思。

  9. A pass on的意思是“传递”,to表示“指向”,是“递给某人”的意思。

  10. A 本题考查感官动词后的非谓语动词形式。感官动词后可以跟不带to的不定式,也可以跟v-ing。跟不定式表达“做过某事”,强调结果,变成被动语态,原省略的to要加上;跟v-ing强调当时进行的动作,变为被动语态时现在分词不变。

  11. A 本题考查了一组动词的辨析。hold onto的意思是“紧紧抓住”;hold也有“抓住”的意思,但选项用的是被动语态;其它答案没有“抓住”的意思。

  12. B 本题考查了表示“伤害;毁坏”的动词及表示“一切”的代词的用法。destroy表示“毁灭性的破坏”,被破坏的已经无法修复;damage表示其性能部分损坏,可以修复再用;injured多强调肉体外部的损伤;hurt指身体的伤害或精神的伤害。表达“一切”用everything;表达“存在”时用anything,如If there is anything that troubles you, please let me know.

  13. D get into debt (trouble)意思是“陷入债务(麻烦)之中”。

  14. D be active in意思是“积极参与”。be against 意思是“反对”。

  15. C 本题考查非谓语动词的用法。sb. be thought to do 为固定搭配。在这里set的动作发生在谓语动词think以前,因此用完成式。

  练习 五十二

  1. I shouldn’t have told her that, so I, ____ you, should be blamed.

  A. rather than B. would rather C. or so D. and that

  2. The beautiful ___ outside the shop attracts a lot of people.

  A. signal B. sign C. notice D. mark

  3. He told me he would give up his job ____he would leave the next day.

  A. and B. and that C. or that D. or

  4. The audience ___ to see who would win the gold medal.

  A. took a deep breath B. held their breath

  C. lost their breath D. was out of breath

  5. Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of ____.

  A. power B. energy C. source D. material

  6. Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does___ his boss.

  A. serves B. satisfies C. promises D. supports

  7. We’d better not stop to ____ every new word we meet with when we are reading English. We should try to guess the meaning of it.

  A. look for B. look at C. look upon D. look up

  8. I had a paragraph ___ with my old school friends.

  A. take B. taken C. have taken D. have been taken

  9. All the newspaper reporters ____ the two conferences.

  A. wrote B. wrote on C. wrote about D. wrote down

  10. The naughty boy ran ___ in the room , which made us unable to sleep.

  A. up and down B. up or down C. over D. up

  11. The boy fell down over a stone, but soon he ____.

  A. got his feet B. got to his foot C. got on his feet D. raise his feet

  12. soon they arrived at a farmhouse, in front of ___ stood a tall tree, ___ top was well above the others.

  A. it; which B. it; whose C. which; which D. which; whose

  13.I started learning French 10 years ago ___ I knew nothing about it.

  A. when B. since C. then D. and

  14. What he says makes no ____ to me.

  A. care B. sense C. interest D. meaning

  15. A. This lamp was successfully produced after ____ studies and experiments.

  A. being repeated B. repeatedly C. repeating D. repeated


  1. A rather than 在这里表示否定,意思是“而不是”。

  2. B 名词辨析。signal意思是“信号”,sign意思是“牌子,标记”,notice意思是“通知”,mark意思是“记号”,因此其他答案不合题意。

  3. B and连接的是两个宾语从句。A有一定干扰性。在连词连接两个从句时,第二个从句的引导词不可省。

  4. B 本题考查了breath形成的搭配。out of breath意思是“上气不接下气”,hold one’s breath意思是“屏住呼吸”,take a deep breath意思是“深吸一口气”。

  5. B 本题为词义辨析题。power的意思是“权力;力量;功”; energy的意思是“能;能源”,gas, wind等都属于能源,因此符合题意; source 的意思是“资源;来源”;material的意思是“物质;材料”。

  6. B 句意为“因他感觉到他做的没有什么能使老板满意”,只有 B 符合句意。

  7. D 本题考查词义辨析。look for的意思是“寻找”;look at的意思是“看”;look upon相当于look on,经常与as搭配,意思是“把……看作”;look up的意思是“查询”。

  8. B 本题考查了have sth. done的搭配。

  9. C write about的意思是“写有关……的文章”。

  10. A up and down可以表示“来来回回”;“上上下下”。

  11. C get on one’s feet为固定搭配,意思是“站起来”。

  12. D本题考查定语从句引导词的使用。第一空which作in front of的宾语;第二空whose作定语,修饰top。

  13. A when在这里引导定语从句,修饰ten years ago。

  14. B make sense为固定搭配,意思是“起作用,有意义”。

  15. D repeated为过去分词作定语,修饰后面的名词。C有一定的干扰性。repeated studies and experiments 意思是“无数次研究与实验”,而repeating studies and experiments意思是“重复进行研究与实验”,显然不合题意。

  练习 五十三

  1. Miss Wang told me that he had learned English for three years and he could almost ____ himself in English.

  A. tell B. speak C. say D. express

  2. —Don’t you believe me?

  —___! I’ll believe ____ you say.

  A. No, whatever B. Yes, no matter what

  C. No, no matter what D. Yes, whatever

  3. Although different in many ways, the British and the Americans ____ many of the same customs.

  A. make B. take C. share D. give

  4. —Good morning. Can I help you ?

  —I’d like to have this package ___, madam.

  A. be weighed B. to be weighed C. to weigh D. weighed

  5. No goods ____ produced in the factory. Now the workers are ___ work.

  A. is; out B. is; out of C. are; out D. are; out of

  6. Mother went shopping;____ , I cleaned the house.

  A. while B. when C. and when D. meanwhile

  7. He said, “We should ____ a plan for this Medical Conference.”

  A. work on B. work at C. work for D. work hard

  8. The National Day and the International Labour Day are great ___ in our country.

  A. things B. incidents C. accidents D. events

  9. China Daily ___ very popular ___ English lovers in China .

  A. are; with B. is; with C. are ; for D. is; for

  10. We’ll ___ a trip to the mountain next week. Will you ___ us ?

  A. go to ; join in B. go on; join C. go on with; attend D. go in for; join

  11. There ___many soldiers ____ the houses. Can you guess where they are going ?

  A. stand; in the front of B. standing; before C. stands; in front of D. stand; in front of

  12. All the students are busy ______ the coming exam now.

  A. preparing B. preparing for C. to prepare D. with preparing

  13. Great effort must be ____ to improve the education of our country so as to make China one of the most powerful countries in the world/

  A. done B. made C. taken D. given

  14.—The meeting has begun and ____ he will come.

  —Of course, he is sure to come. He will speak at the meeting.

  A. I doubt if B. I believe C. I hope D. I think

  15. You can ____ him. He is always honest.

  A. believe B. believe in C. believe to be D. believe for


  1. D express oneself为固定搭配,意思是“表达(自己的意思)”,其他答案均不可跟反身代词。

  2. D 从后文的回答,可以看出说话人相信,因此用yes回答。whatever在这里引导宾语从句。B有一定干扰性。no matter what只可以引导让步状语从句。

  3. C 词义辨析题。share的意思是“共同有”,其他答案没有此意。

  4. D 此题考查使役动词have的用法。have 后可用(to) do, doing和done 作宾语补足语,weigh与前面的package形式被动关系,所以过去分词weighed 作补语。

  5. D goods 表示复数意义,谓语动词应用复数。out of work失业。

  6. D 从本句的结构来看,空白处不需要连词,所以选项A、B、C均不正确。

  7. A 本题考查词义辨析。work on的意思是“忙于;从事”;work at的意思是“工作”;work for的意思是“为……工作”。work hard意思是“努力工作”。

  8. D 本题考查词义辨析。things是普通用词,指“情况;状况”;incident意思是“事情;发生的事(常指小事)”;accident意思是“事故”,强调未预料的事情;event的意思是“事件”,多指大事件。

  9. B be popular with为固定搭配,意思是“受……喜欢”;China Daily为单数名词。

  10. B go on在这里是“举行”的意思;join sb.意思是“加入到某人中去”;go in for有“参加”的意思,多指参加“体育锻炼;从事体育活动”; join in指“加入到活动中”。

  11. D There stand…在这里表示“存在”,stand由soldiers决定数,因此用复数形式,在这里stand不可以用进行时态,与此类似的还有there live…, there lie等。in front of意思是“在某一范围外的前面”,而in the front of表示“在某一范围内的前面”。

  12. B be busy后跟动词,要用v-ing形式;prepare是“在做某事”,而prepare for意思是“为某事做准备”。

  13. B make great effort或make efforts为固定搭配,意思是“尽最大努力”。

  14. A本题考查对语境的理解能力。关键是第二句的语境起决定作用。选项B、C、D中的“相信”“希望”、“认为”的口气,都不至于使回答句中反复出现强调的语气,并以事实“他将在会上发言”作为依据。

  15. B此题主要考查believe+宾语和believe in+宾语的区别。Believe sb.指相信某人所说的话。而believe in sb.指相信某人的品质,能力等。

  练习 五十四

  1. It’s no good ____ problems with a man like him.

  A. to discuss B. being discussed C. discussing D. to be discussed

  2. ____, we were taken to see the library.

  A. We had been shown the classrooms B. Being shown the classrooms

  C. Having been shown the classrooms D. Having shown the classrooms

  3. —Did they receive you well?

  —Yes. They ____ in a good hotel.

  A. fixed up us B. fixed us up C. gave us up D. put up us

  4. At this moment I cannot give you an answer yet. I’d like to spend ___ more time considering this problem.

  A. rather B. fairly C. quite D. really

  5. We’ve got to be ___ and buy only what we can afford.

  A. real B. actual C. practical D. true

  6. The doctor did a lot to reduce the patient’s fear___ he would die of the disease.

  A. that B. which C. of which D. of that

  7. On the way home, he ___ a heavy storm.

  A. caught B. was caught by C. caught hold of D. was caught in

  8. —Why are they ____ the forest?

  —They are ___ some criminals (罪犯).

  A. searching; searching for B. searching; searching of

  C. searching for; searching D. in search for; in search of

  9. ___ in a poor family, he had little chance of education when he was a child.

  A. To bring up B. Having brought up C. Bringing up D. Brought up

  10. I hear you will go to the post office. ____ you are there, could you buy me some stamps ?

  A. while B. when C. as D. since

  11. After graduating, she worked ___ a worker in a factory.

  A. like B. as C. for D. in

  12. She said she would come three days ____, but she never turned up yet.

  A. later B. late C. before D. after

  13.How did you think ___ such a clever way out of difficulty?

  A. over B. about C. up D. on

  14. Bnd programmers on TV may have had ___ on children.

  A. affect B. effect C. power D. control

  15.—Nancy is not coming tonight.

  —But she ___!

  A. promises B. promised C. will promise D. had promised


  1. C It is no good +v -ing; It is no use +v-ing; It is a waste of time +v-ing。


  3. B fix sb. up为某人安排(住宿等)。

  4. A 因fairly不能修饰比较级;C项和 D项同样不能修饰比较级。例如:

  I’m feeling rather better today.今天我感觉好多了。

  5.C 从“buy only what we can afford”可知,“我们得讲求实际(而不是图虚荣……)”。

  6. A “that he would die of the disease”作fear 的同位语。 注意其与定语从句的区别。

  7. D 本题考查搭配。be caught in在这里的意思是“遭受;被……所困”。

  8. A search可以作及物动词和不及物动词。作及物动词,意思是“搜查某处;搜某人身”;作不及物动词,后跟for,意思是“寻找”,相当于look for。

  9. D 过去分词短语作原因状语。

  10. A 本题考查了一组表示“当……时候”的连词的用法。while表示“在……期间”,表示一段时间;而when, as仅表示时间的一点;since意思是“自从”。

  11. B work as 的意思是“担任;以……身份工作”;work for的意思是“为……而工作”;work in表示“在……地方工作”。

  12. A 根据句意,应该是“她说三天后来。”late的意思是“迟到;晚”;before和after均不合题意。

  13. C句意为“你怎样想起如此明智的办法摆脱困境?”。

  14.B此题考查固定词组的用法。have effect on 表示“对……有影响”。affect 很容易同effect混淆,affect是动词,故选项 A错。

  15. B该题是通过一组对话提供的情景来考查动词时态的用法。Nancy is not coming tonight 和but 这些关键的信息决定了答语时态只能用一般时。即:“但是她答应过今晚要来的!”

  练习 五十五

  1. Franklin ____ learning the printer’s trade at an early age.

  A. set off B. set about C. set out D. set up

  2. Along the path stood some signs, ____were written “Keep off the grass”.

  A. that B. in which C. on which D. which

  3. The problem just ____ to be discussed at the next meeting.

  A. referred is B. referred to be C. referring to is D. referred to is

  4. —Mr. Wang, ___ came to see you this afternoon.

  —Who was it?

  A. a certainly man B. a certain man

  C. the certain man D. the certainly man

  5. —I’m sorry to keep you waiting. I’ll make shorter work of this.

  —___ . I’m not in a hurry.

  A. Take it easy B. Take your time

  C. Not at all D. Do as you please

  6. — Alice, why didn’t you come yesterday?

  —I ___, but I had an expected visitor.

  A. had B. would C. was going to D. did

  7. Miss Wang had ___ to catch the first bus, but she didn’t get up early enough.

  A. turned B. come C. intended D. promised

  8. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, ____ was very reasonable.

  A. which price B. the price of which C. its price D. the price of whose

  9. The teacher said that they would ____ off for North America the next day.

  A. starts B. begin C. take D. set

  10. He brought into room a big piece of wood and soon cut it ____ .

  A. onto piece B. to pieces C. into pieces D. pieces

  11. Food can easily go ____ in very hot summer.

  A. badly B. worse C. bad D. to be bad

  12. In his speech, he ____ his great success ___ many people, especially his parents.

  A. thanked; to B. devoted ; to C. owed ; to D. expressed; of

  13.—What do you suppose made her worried?

  — _____ a gold ring.

  A. Lose B. Lost C. Losing D. Because of losing

  14. We had nice dinner after the concert with dishes of fish, meat and vegetables.

  A. /; / B. /;the C. a/ D. a;the

  15. I can hardly imagine Peter____ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.

  A. sail B. sailing C. to sail D. to have sailed


  1. B set out和set about都有“开始,着手” 的意思,但set out后跟不定式,而set about后跟动名词。set off意思是“出发”,“动身”;set up意思是“建立”。

  2. C 本句为倒装结构。Keep off the grass为主语,即“Keep of the grass” were written on the signs,因此选on which。

  3. D 句子结构考查。referred to为过去分词短语作定语,修饰前面的名词。

  4.B 当certain作“某,某一……”讲时,只用作定语,如 a certain unit 某单位,a certain Smith一个姓史密斯的人。some也有此意,但前面不加冠词a , 如:for some reason (for a certain reason).

  5. B 根据答语中“I’m not in a hurry”的语境可以确定答案为 B 。 动词短语take one’s time意思是“慢慢来”,“从容不迫”。

  6. C 根据答语中but I had an expected visitor 的语境可以推测出答话人昨天原打算来“were /was going to do”表示曾打算要做某事。或用虚拟语气形式 I would have (come, if I had not had an expected visitor).

  7. C intend有“打算”的意思,用过去完成时,表达“曾打算如此,但没有做成”的意思。

  8. B 本题考查定语从句介词提前的问题。空前的逗号决定了后面是定语从句。the price of which在这里代表the price of the ancient Chinese vase。

  9. D set off的意思是“出发;动身”。

  10.C cut something into pieces为固定搭配,意思是“把……切成片(块)”。

  11. C go在这里是连系动词,意思是“变得”,后跟形容词作表语。在这里不表示比较,因此不用比较级。

  12. C 本句话的意思是:“在他的讲话中,他把自己的成功归功于很多人,尤其他的父母。”thank有“感谢”的意思,但宾语不是success,而是人,也不与to搭配;devote …to有“投身于……”的意思,显然不合题意。

  13. C 回答为省略的形式,相当于Losing a gold ring made her worried。因此本空为动名词短语作主语。

  14. C dinner前有形容词修饰,因此用不定冠词a,表达“一次;一顿”,第二空的dishes用的是复数形式,表达“菜”,并非特指,因此前面没有冠词。

  15. B imagine后跟动名词,而不可以跟不定式作宾语。Peter为sailing的逻辑主语,相当于Peter’s sailing。

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