新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 黑马英语高考专项训练 > 实战演练练习56-60

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/15 15:10  新浪教育

  练习 五十六

  1. Since 1980 Beijing has taken ____ a now look everywhere.

  A. up B. on C. over D. off

  2. China is a most large country, _____ an area of 9.600,000 square km.

  A. covering B. has C. covered by D. covers

  3. —Where is she sitting?

  —She is sitting ____ Alice.

  A. near to B. next C. next by D. nearby

  4. —It’s____ warm today, let’s go swimming.

  —No, I don’t ___ to go. It’s ____ cold today, I think.

  A. rather; hope; fairly B. fairly; want; rather

  C. rather; think; fairly D. fairly; like; fairly

  5. The manger entered the office and was happy to learn that four- fifths of the tickers ____.

  A. was booked B. had been booked C. were booked D. have been booked

  6. I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please____?

  A. turn it on B. turn it down C. turn it up D. turn it off

  7. —What is he?

  —He is ____.

  A. a writer and a director B. a writer and director

  C. writer and director D. the writer and the director

  8. —Hi, is that Peter Brown?

  —Sorry. You the wrong number.

  A. must dial B. must have dialed

  C. should dial D. should have dialed

  9. The film ____ in London in the 18th century.

  A. was happened B. was acted C. was caught D. was set

  10. In the classroom , there are about thirty students ____.

  A. in all B. after all C. at all D. above all

  11. — Why don’t Mr Lee come to work these days ?

  — His mother is ill, so he has to ____ for some time.

  A. leave B. go out C. stay away D. remain away

  12. Mr. Johnson was ill, so that day Miss Ann Sullivan _____.

  A. took her place B. took his place C. took place D. took the place

  13. He used to ____ his teaching years ago, but now he is used to ____ a boss.

  A. devote to; be B. be devoted to; being

  C. devote himself to; be D. devote; being

  14. I had a pleasant talk with those visitors, ____ students.

  A. two of them were B. two of whom are

  C. two of which were D. two of them

  15. It is our duty to ____ our motherland against enemies.

  A. protected B. defend C. protect D. prevent


  1. B take on意思是“呈现”。take up意思是“拿起,从事”,take off意思是“脱下”,take over意思是“接过来”。

  2. A covering为现在分词短语作定语。其它答案形式错误。

  3. D nearby作介词,意为“在……附近”。near 也有此意,但不带to。 next 则须带to 。

  4. B fairly和rather都可做“相当地”“颇有几分”解,但fairly 具有积极意义,rather带有消极意义。

  5. B 因为分数作主语时谓语动词与of后的名词一致,即与句中的the tickets 一致;又因book的动作在was happy之前,故应用过去完成时形式。book 意为“预订(房间、车票等)”。

  6. C 此题考查学生关于turn动词的词语辨析。turn on和turn off 是一对反义词短语“开--关”(电视、录音机),turn up和turn down是一对反义词短语“把(音量)开大--把(音量)放小”。根据上句语境“我几乎听不清楚”,故应将“录音机声音放大”。

  7. B 本题考查冠词的使用。a writer and director是指一个人,而a writer and a director是指两个人。

  8. B must have done在这里表达对过去情况的推测,意思是“想必……”。

  9. D be set in意思是“以……作为背景”。

  10. A 本题考查了all形成的搭配。in all的意思是“总计;总共”,符合题意;after all的意思是“毕竟;别忘了”;at all用于加强语气,意思是“根本;全然;究竟”;above all的意思是“首先;最重要的是”。

  11. C leave有“离开”的意思,然而leave为非延续性动词,不可以接一段时间作状语;stay away的意思是“离开”,为延续性动词,因此答案为C。

  12. B take her (Miss Ann Sullivan’s ) place意思是“就位;就职”,也可以表示“开始做事情”;take his (Mr. Johnson’s) place意思是“代替”;take place的意思是“发生”;take the place有“代替”的意思,但后面一般跟of短语。

  13. B C选项前面用 devote himself to 是对的,但后面be应改为 being 才行。

  14. D A选项中的 them 应改为whom; B选项中的 are应改为 were; C 选项中的which 不能指人;D选项作 visitors 的同位语。

  15. C protect…against意思是“免受……侵害”。B有一定干扰性。然而defend不与against搭配。

  练习 五十七

  1. Even after the teacher entered the classroom she ____ talking.

  A. carried on B. carried on with C. carried out D. goes on

  2. Many notices are placed in the park warning people to ___ the grass.

  A. keep off B. keep away C. keep out D. keep out of

  3. Nowhere else in the world ____ more friendly people than in China.

  A. you will find B. can you be able to find

  C. you may have found D. can you find

  4. The audience wondered why the professor had not ___ yet.

  A. look up B. turned up C. taken up D. made up

  5. This time on next Friday I ___ to Spain.

  A. was flying B. is flying C. shall be flying D. have been flying

  6. I didn’t know what tricks he might ____.

  A. be up to B. up to C. be up D. be to do

  7. —Do you really trust John?

  —Who do you think _______ trust, if not _______?

  A.I can, he B.can I, him C.I can, him D.can I, he

  8. —I’m sorry I can’t join you in the travel.


  A. Great. B. What a pity! C. It’s a pity. D. What fun!

  9. On his way home he found a silver coin, ____.

  A. has a man’s head in his face B. with a man’s head in his face

  C. with a man’s head on his face D. has a man’s head on his face

  10. The woman was so sad at the thought that she could not afford ___ such a beautiful dress.

  A. to take B. taking C. took D. take

  11. Our company ___ skilled workers very much.

  A. calls on B. calls at C. calls for D. calls upon

  12.___ now they have finished only half of the work.

  A. Unless B. Up till C. Not until D. From

  13. I don’t like the colour of the bike. ____ , it’s too expensive.

  A. Otherwise B. However C. Besides D. Except

  14. After he was shown ___ the hall, he was really pleased with all the new products ____.

  A. around; on the show B. out; on show

  C. out; on the show D. around; on show

  15. At that time the two countries were ___, and they were killed ____.

  A. in battle; in the battle B. in the battle; in battle

  C. at battle; at the battle D. at war; at the battle


  1. A carry on意思是“继续进行”。D有一定干扰性。前面用的是一般过去时,因此应为went on。

  2. A keep off在这里是“不要进入的意思”。D有一定干扰性,keep out一般用keep sb. out (of sth.)的搭配。

  3. D nowhere 是表示否定意义的副词,因此用部分倒装。

  4. B 本题考查短语动词辨析。look up抬头查找; turn up到达,出现; take up拿起,从事;make up 组成。

  5. C will be doing将来进行时可用于表示:1.按计划、 安排将要进行或发生的动作;2将来某一时刻或某一时间正在发生或进行的动作。

  6. A be up to sth.在干某事(有时含有“密谋干坏事”的意思)。

  7. C 本题考查省略的用法。Who do you think I can trust trust, if not him .是Who do you think I can trust if I don’t trust him的省略形式,can在这里表达“能够”。

  8. B 本题考查交际用语。因为第一人说I can’t join you in the travel,因此第二人听多时,要表达别人不能与自己一起做事情的遗憾。

  9.C 本题考查with的复合结构。with后跟了介词作宾补。

  10. A afford的意思是“付得起钱买某物 ”,可以跟名词作宾语,也可以跟不定式。

  11. C 本题考查call形成的搭配。call on和call at意思是“拜访”,其中call on后跟人作宾语,call at后跟地点名词作宾语;call upon等于call on,也是“拜访”的意思;call for的意思是“需要;要求”。

  12. B up till (until) now意思是“到现在为止”,因此句子多用现在完成时。Not… until意思是“直到……才”,用于一般时态中。

  13. C besides在这里是副词,意思是“此外,而且”。except表示“除外”,为介词。

  14. D show sb. around意思是“领某人参观”。on show 意思是“展览,展出”。

  15. A in battle意思是“处于战争状态”,而in the battle指“在某次战斗中”。

  练习 五十八

  1. The doctors and nurses ___ the seriously wounded worker day and night.

  A. watched out B. looked over C. watched out for D. watched over

  2. I mean ____ the meeting tomorrow, but what he has just said means ____ the meeting.

  A. have; to put off B. to have; putting off

  C. having; putting off D. to have; to put off

  3. I was ___ leaving for work when the telephone rang.

  A. about to B. going on C. in the point of D. on the point of

  4. He left the place, ___ never to come back.

  A. determined B. determining C. being determined D. having determined

  5. The manager made a phone call to me yesterday ____ me a good job.

  A. giving B. providing C. supplying D. offering

  6. With ____ she needed ___, she left the supper market happily.

  A. all; bought B. something; to be bought

  C. all; buying D. everything; to buy

  7. We had to ____ the planned trip because of the rain.

  A. put on B. put in C. put of D. put off

  8. Her interest in coin____ her childhood.

  A. dates in B. dates back C. dates from D. dates for

  9. It is important ____patients follow the advice of doctors and nurses.

  A. which B. what C. that D. when

  10. I wanted a pair of red shoes, but the assistant gave me ____ .

  A. a wrong one B. right one C. right ones D. a wrong pair

  11. When you stay in a stranger’s home, you should do everything properly so that you can make a good ____ to the guest.

  A. expression B. impression C. suggestion D. manner

  12. I haven’t start my composition, because I don’t know _____.

  A. what to write about B. to write about what

  C. what to write D. to write what about

  13. On your trip to Mexico you will be able to make good____ your knowledge of Spanish.

  A. sense of B. sure of C. use of D. use with

  14. As the world changes faster than ever, our greatest concern is making sure ____ of these changes causes us harm.

  A.any B.some C.neither D.none

  15. His wallet ____ with a lot of money in it.

  A. was missed B. lost C. gone D. was missing


  1. D watch over在这里的意思是“观察”。A有一定干扰性。watch out意思是“防备,戒备”,显然不合题意。

  2. B mean后可以跟不定式和动名词作宾语,但它们的意义是不一样的。跟不定式表示“想,打算”;跟动名词,表示“意味着”。

  3. D on the point of doing意思是“正要做某事”。本句话的意思是“我正要去上班,就在这时电话响了。”

  4. A determined never to come back作伴随状语。determined意为“有决心的;坚决的;坚定的”。

  5. D 选项B和C不与双宾语连用,但可以形成provide/supply sb. with sth; give和offer 后面可跟双宾语,但意义不同,give包含给与接受的全过程,而offer 只是指提供,不涉及对主语接受的问题。此句意思是“经理昨天给我打电话向我提供了一份好的职业。”

  6. A 该题考查with结构,with all (she needed) bought ,...第一个空,四个选项均合适,但第二个空只能用过去分词bought表示完成被动的动作,该句意为“她所需要的都买到后,她高兴地离开了超市。”

  7. D 本题考查put形成的搭配。put off的意思是“拖延;推迟”。

  8. C date from也可以说date back from,意思是“开始于”。

  9. C 本题考查名词性从句。that在从句中不作任何成分,引导主语从句。

  10. D right和wrong在这里不是“对”,“错”的意思,而是“所要的;合适的”和“不是所要的;不恰当”的意思;对于a pair of…第二次提到,不可以用one来代替。可以用pair代替,也可以用ones代替a pair of后面的名词。

  11. B 名词辨析题。expression的意思是“表情;表达”;impression的意思是“印象”;suggestion的意思是“建议”;manner的意思是“举止”。

  12. A what to write about是不定式短语结构,它是由“what (who, which等)+不定式”或“when (where, whether, how等)+不定式”构成。它们在句子中可以作主语、宾语和表语。write about指写的内容。

  13. C make use of 意思是“利用”,根据上下文,其他答案不合题意。

  14. D 从后面的these changes 看前面是表达三者以上的事物,后面要表达的是所有的事情都不会形成伤害。

  15. D 表示“丢失”可以用be missing,也可以用be lost, be gone。

  练习 五十九

  1. His mother told me that he ____ a cold for a week.

  A. has caught B. had caught C. had had D. have had

  2. She hoped to ____ her brother at the airport. But he never came.

  A. meet B. meeting C. have met D. be meeting

  3.—Have you ____ everything ready for the meeting?

  —Not yet. We need ____.

  A. got; another three chairs B. got; other three chairs

  C. prepared; the other three chair D. prepared; three other chairs

  4. The director gave me a better offer than ____.

  A. that of Dick’s B. Dick’s C. he gave Dick D. those of Dick

  5.The computer walked, ___ , rolled away after the game with a reward of $ 3 000.

  A. or so B. or rather C. or else D. or something

  6. I can’t carry the box ____ my own; it’s too heavy.

  A. of B. for C. on D. to

  7. It is not good ____ with their studies all day.

  A. to keep children busy B. keep children busy

  C. to keep busy children D. keep busy children

  8. They are stamp collectors; they often____ stamps with each other.

  A. change B. train C. treat D. trade

  9. If you go on driving like that, you’ll have an accident ____.

  A. more or less B. sooner or later C. soon or late D. fast or slow

  10. As we can not ____ money ourselves, we must ____ money from our parents.

  A. earn; ask B. make money; ask for C. make the money; ask about D. get; ask

  11. No matter what others asked him, he always kept ____.

  A. silently B. to be silently C. silent D. as silence

  12. When you finish ____ the story book, can you ____ it to me ?

  A. reading; lend B. to read; lend C. reading; borrow D. to read; borrow

  13.—Lucy, ____ the fish and chicken, please?

  —No, thanks. I’m full.

  A. help to B. please eat C. help yourself to D. help you to

  14. Our hometown is quite different from before.

  A. that is was B. what it was

  C. which it was D. when it was

  15. I don’t envy ____ Hangzhou, be cause I have been there several times.

  A. to visit B. him to visit C. visiting to D. him his visiting


  1. C catch为非延续性动词,不可以用一段时间作状语。

  2. C hope to have done或had hoped to do都表示“希望但没有成功的事”。3. A get ready为固定搭配。another three也可以说three other。D有一定干扰性。prepare不可以与ready搭配。

  4.C than用于比较级之后,引导表示比较关系的从句或短语。

  5.B 本题考查习语的用法。or so“大约”:or else“否则”;or something“大概是……这类东西”;or rather“更确切地说”。 由题意“比赛完后计算机就带着三千美元走了,更确切地说是滚动着走的。”可知答案为 B。or rather指说话人开始说得不够准确,再加以纠正。

  6. C 本题考查习语。题意是“这个箱子我一个人搬不动, 太沉了。 ”on one’s own可作副词使用,意为“独自;一个人(alone; without help)”, 在句中作状语,如:Are you sure you’re old enough to go travelling on your own? Of one’s own是一形容词短语, 意为“某人自己的”, 常在句中作后置定语, 如:She would rather have a room of her own than sleep with her sister. 故答案为C。

  7. A 本题考查不定式作主语。busy在这里是作宾补。

  8. D A有较大干扰性,“彼此间交换”要用exchange,trade在这里用作动词,意思是“买卖”。

  9. B 词义辨析。sooner or later意思是“迟早”。

  10. B make money为固定搭配,意思是“挣钱”,ask for sth.的意思是“要某物”或“要求得到某物”。

  11. C keep在这里是连系动词,后面跟形容词作表语。keep silent也可以用keep silence代替。

  12. A finish后面跟动词时只可以跟doing的形式,而不可以跟to do;lend, borrow都有“借”的意思,lend是“借出”,而borrow是“借入”。

  13. C help oneself to 是“让别人随便吃或拿”的意思,如Help yourself to some books you like best.

  14. B from后面跟的是宾语从句,what在从句中作be 的表语。

  15. D envy后跟非谓语动词时要用动名词形式,在这里him是间接宾语,his为visiting的逻辑主语,表示动作的发出者。

  练习 六十

  1. When he heard the sudden bad news, he ____.

  A. burst into tear B. bursted into tears

  C. bursted into tear D. burst into tears

  2. He has made another wonderful discovery, ____ of great importance to science.

  A. which I think it B. which I think it is C. that I think is D. which I think is

  3. He was in such a hurry that he almost ___ the old man.

  A. knocked at B. knocked into C. knocked off D. knocked on

  4. —Excuse me, what is the ___ of this room?

  —Fifty dollars a night.

  A. pay B. use C. cost D. charge

  5. —How much shall I pay for the phone call?

  —You . This is free of charge.

  A.shouldn’t B. can’t  C. don’t have to D. mustn’t

  6. ____ from the top the hill, the city looks more beautiful.

  A. To see B. Having seen C. Seen D. See

  7. This kind of car costs a lot of money, but he can ____ it.

  A. afford B. supply C. offer D. give

  8. —Would you like to go swimming with us this afternoon?

  — . I can’t swim.

  A. It would be too much trouble B. All right

  C. I’d be glad to D. No, thank you

  9. That is the very coin I need to ____ my collection.

  A. add up B. add in C. add on D. add to

  10. In the hall the speaker ____ his voice ___ we could all hear him clearly.

  A. rose ; so as to B. grew; in order to C. raised; so that D. raised; as to

  11. During the toast (祝酒), we all ____ Mr. Brown’s health and wished him long life.

  A. drank for B. drank to C. drank because of D. drank

  12. The ticket is too dear for the film. ____, the film is not interesting at all. So we’d better stay at home watching TV.

  A. Except B. Besides C. But D. Except that

  13. Yichang as well as other cities which ___ not too famous ___ developing fast now.

  A. was; are B. was ; is C. were; is D. were; are

  14. —What?

  —We danced ___ the music of Jimmy Dorsey’s band

  A. to B. with C. in D. on

  15. She ____ shyly at him out of the corners of her eyes.

  A. stared B. glared C. glanced D. watched


  1. D burst into tears为固定搭配,意思是“失声痛哭”。burst的过去时为burst,没有bursted这一形式。

  2. D which在这里引导非限定性定语从句,在从句中作主语。I think为插入语。

  3.B knock into意思是“撞到某人身上”。knock on, knock at 意思是“轻轻敲击”,knock off意思是“敲落”。

  4. D 词义辨析题。pay的意思是“报酬;工资”,指劳动后得到的钱上的回报;use的意思是“用途”;cost的意思是“费用”,指商品的成本;charge的意思是“收费”,指接受商品或服务后应该付出的钱。

  5. C 从后面的答语This is free of charge.我们可以看出说话人认为“你不必付费。”don’t have to相当于needn’t,意思是“不必”。

  6. C 本题考查非谓语动词。题意为“从山顶上看,这座城市更漂亮”。很明显“看”与“城市”之间是被动关系,故答案为 C。此时,Seen from the top of the hill等于If it is seen from the top of the hill,是过去分词短语在句中充当条件状语。

  7. A 词义辨析题。afford的意思是“支付得起;花得起(时间;金钱)”。

  8. D 从后面的答语I can’t swim.我们知道“我”不能与你们一起去游泳。All right与I’d be glad to表达同意,答案A不合题意。

  9. D add to的意思是“增加到”。

  10. C rise和raise都有“上升”的意思。rise为不及物动词,后面不可以跟宾语;raise为及物动词,后面可以跟宾语;in order to, so as to和so that都可以作目的状语,前两者后跟不定式,而后者跟句子。

  11. B drink to的意思是“为了……而干杯”。

  12. B 本题考查了besides作副词的用法。besides作副词,意思是“此外;除外”,其它选项没有此意。

  13. C 本题考查主谓一致。which在这里不代表Yichan,而是代表other cities,因此为复数。第二空的主语是Yichan因此为单数。

  14. A to在这里是“伴着,随着”的意思。

  15. C stare at, glare at, glance at都有“看”的意思,stare at意思是“盯着看”,glare at意思是“怒目而视”,而glance at意思是“扫一眼”。根据空后的提示,其他答案不合题意。

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