新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 黑马英语中考专项训练 > 第八节 动词时态

第八节 动词时态
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/17 15:37  新浪教育



  1. 一般现在时

  1)表示现阶段经常性、习惯性的动作或存在的状态、特征、客观真理。常与时间状语often, usually, always, every day/week等连用。

  He usually goes to school by bike. 他通常骑自行车上学。(经常性动作)

  They’re both fine, too. 他们俩也很好。(现在的状态)

  The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。(客观真理)


  If you don’t go soon, you’ll be late. 如果你不快点去,你就会迟到的。

  You mustn’t eat anything until you see the doctor. 看医生之前不要吃东西。

  3)begin, come, go, leave, start, stop, arrive, return, open, close等动词常用一般现在时表示按计划、规定将要发生的动作。

  Class begins at eight in the morning. 上午八点开始上课。

  2. 一般过去时

  一般过去时表示过去某时间发生的事,存在的状态或过去反复发生的动作。常与过去的时间状语yesterday, yesterday morning/afternoon/evening, last week/month/year, in 1990等连用。

  This factory opened in 1989.这家工厂1989开办的。

  3. 一般将来时

  一般将来时表示在将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示将来的时间状语tomorrow, tomorrow/morning/afternoon/evening/next week/month/year等连用。

  Mr Wu will teach us English this term.这学期吴老师教我们英语。

  They will go to my home town next week.下周他们要回老家。


  1)“助动词will+ 动词原形”

  Will you be free tomorrow? 你明天有空吗?

  We won’t leave before nine. 九点钟前我们不走。

  There will be a strong wind to the north of the Huai River. 淮河以北将有大风。


  Shall we ask Jim? 我们去问问吉姆,好吗?

  What shall we do in our English class tomorrow? 明天的英语课我们干什么?

  2)“be going to +动词原形”表示即将发生某事或打算计划要做某事。

  I’m going to do my homework this evening. 我打算今晚做家庭作业。

  3)come, go, start, move, sail, leave, travel等动词常用进行时态表示按计划将要发生的事。

  The whole family’s going for two months.全家人要回去两个月。

  We are traveling back to England soon for a holiday. 我们打算回到英国旅游度假。


  If you are ill, you must see the doctor. 如果你病了,就必须去看医生。

  I’ll give the note to him as soon as he comes back. 他一回来我就把这个通知交给他。

  5)will和be going to用法区别


  I will stay with you and help you. 我会和你在一起帮助你。


  Will you go to the park with me? 你和我一起去公园,好吗?

  Will you please open the window? 请你打开窗户好吗?


  I will be twenty-two years old next year. 明年我22岁。

  6)be going to常用于口语中,主要用来表示:


  There’s going to be an English film this evening. 今晚有一场英语电影。


  —When are you going to leave ? 你们什么时候走?

  —We’re going to leave next Monday. 我们下周一走。


  Look at those clouds. It’s going to rain. 看那些乌云。要下雨了。

  4. 现在进行时

  1)现在进行时由“助动词am/is/are + 现在分词”构成,表示现在正在进行的动作。其时间状语为now或从上下文体现出来。

  —What are you doing? 你在干什么?

  —I’m reading a book. 我在看书。


  He is at work. 他在工作。

  3)表示感觉、愿望和状态的某些动词,如have, be, hear, see, like等一般不用进行时态。

  5. 过去进行时

  过去进行时由“was/were + 现在分词”构成,表示过去某一时刻或某一阶段正在进行或发生的动作。这一特定的过去时间除有上下文暗示以外,一般用表示过去时间的状语来表示。

  They were working in class this time yesterday. 昨天这时他们在上课。

  [特别提醒] 一般过去时与过去进行时用法区别


  Mary wrote a letter to her friend last night. 玛丽昨晚给她的朋友写了一封信。(信写完了)

  Mary was writing a letter to her friend last night. 玛丽昨晚在给他的朋友写信。(不一定写完)

  6. 现在完成时

  现在完成时由“助动词have / has + 过去分词”构成,在人称代词后,have和has 常简缩为’ve, ’s ; have not简缩为haven’t, has not 简缩为hasn’t。



  I have already posted the photos. 我已经把这些照片寄出去了。


  [特别提醒] 现在完成时属于现在时态范围,因而不能和表示过去时间的状语,如yesterday, last week, three years ago, in 1960等连用。但可以和表示从过去某时刻延续到现在(包括“现在”在内)的一段时间的状语; 如today, these days, since 1980, for a long time等连用。

  We have lived in that street for a long time. 我们在那个街道住了很长时间。

  He has taught at this school since 1965. 他从表面上看1965年起一直在这所学校任教。

  2)表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态,可以和表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在(包括“现在”在内)的一段时间的状语,如today, these days, for two years, since 1984, since he came here等连用。

  He’s been there for over two years.

  = He’s been there since two years ago.


  I.表示短暂时间动作的动词,如come, go, leave, finish, end, buy, sell, marry, die等的完成时态不能与for, since等表示一段时间的状语连用。但可以改为其他表示相同意思的延续性动作或短语。.


  误:I have come to Beijing for half a year.

  正:I have been in Beijing for half a year.


  误:He has left home for over two weeks.

  正:He has been away from home for over two weeks.


  误:The meeting has ended for half an hour.

  正:The meeting has been over for half an hour.


  误:Kate has bought this blouse for three days.

  正:Kate has had this blouse for three days.


  误:The old man has died for a few years.

  正:The old man has been dead for a few years.

  II.have / has been to 与have/has gone to的用法区别

  1)“have / has been to + 地名”表示“曾经去过某地”,说话时已回到说话地点,常与once(一次),twice(两次),never(从未),ever(曾经)等时间状语连用。

  —Have you ever been to West Hill Farm? 你曾经去过西山农场吗?

  —No, I’ve never been to that farm before. 没有。我以前从未去过那个农场。

  2)“have/has gone to +地名”表示“去某地了”,现在没有回来,不在说话地点。试比较:

  She has been to Shanghai. 她到过上海。(现在不在上海)

  She has gone to Shanghai. 她去上海了。(可能在去上海的路上,或者已到上海,总之现在不在这里)

  Ⅲ. 现在完成时与一般过去时的区别


  I’ve seen the film. 我看过这个电影。(我了解这部电影的内容)

  I saw the film last week. 我上星期看了这个电影。(只说明上星期看了这个电影,不涉及现在的情况。)

  He has lived here since 1972. 自1972年以来他一直住在这里。(他现在还住在这里)

  He lived here in 1972. 1972年他住在这里。(不涉及他现在是否还住在这里)

  7. 过去完成时

  1)表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作。它所表示动作发生的时间是“过去的过去”。这一过去时间常用by, before等介词短语;when, before等引导的时间状语从句或通过上下文来表示。

  The film had been on for five minutes when I got to the cinema. 我到电影院时电影已经开映五分钟了。

  I didn’t give the book to Wei Fang because she had already bought a copy for herself. 我没有给魏芳这本书,因为她自己买了一本。

  [特别提醒] 如果时间状语从句的动作发生在主句的动作之前,则从句用过去完成时,主句用一般过去时。

  After I had done my homework, I went to bed. 我做完家庭作业后上床睡觉。


  Mr Wu had taught in the south for less than five years before he came here. 吴老师来这里之前在南方任教不到五年时间。

  I saw Li Ping yesterday. We had not seen each other since I left Beijing.我昨天见到了李平。自我离开北京我们就没有见过面。

  [特别提醒] 当一个由before, after, as soon as等连词引导的从句所表示的动作与主句的动作前后紧接时,由于连词本身已说明两个动作发生的先后关系,这两个动作都可用一般过去时来表示。

  Where did your brother study before he joined the army? 你弟弟参军前在哪里上学?

  After he closed the door, he left the house.他关上门之后离开了家。

  8. 过去将来时


  Betty said she would visit her uncle next Saturday. 贝蒂说她下个星期六将去拜访她叔叔。

  He said there would be a concert that evening. 他说晚上有音乐会。

  过去将来时也可由"was/were going to + 动词原形" 表示。

  She said she was going to prepare for her trip. 她说她将准备旅行。

  过去将来时也可由“was/were going to + 动词原形” 表示。

  She said she was going to prepare for her trip.


  Now it seemed that the beasts were winning. 这时好象野兽们要取胜了。



  英语动词有两种语态,即主动语态(The Active Voice)和被动语态(The Passive Voice)。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。例

  Many people speak English. (主动语态)

  English is spoken by many people.(被动语态)


  被动语态由“助动词be + 及物动词的过去分词”构成。助动词be有人称、数和时态的变化。其变化规则与be作连系动词用时一样。被动语态主要用于下列情况:


  His bike was stolen yesterday. 他的自行车昨天被盗了。(不知道是谁偷的)


  This blouse is made of silk. 这件女衫是丝绸做的。






  [注意] 含有直接宾语和间接宾语的主动结构变为被动结构时,可以将其中的一个宾语变为主语,另一个不动。一般是主动结构的间接宾语(人)变为被动结构的主语。

  The pianist gave the pupils some advice.→

  The pupils were given some advice (by the pianist).

  或 Some advice was given to the pupils (by the pianist).


  1. The supermarket is far from Mary’s house. So she only once a week. (2003辽宁)

  A. goes shoppingB. has been thereC. was shoppingD. has gone there

  [点拨] 答案是A。 此题考查一般现在时态的用法。由句意判断“超市距马丽的家很远”,“所以她每周只去买一次东西”,时态一致性及时间状语once a week等也可以确定用一般现在时。

  2. Listen! Some of the girls ______ about Harry Potter. Let’s join them! (2003北京海淀区)

  A. are talkingB. talkC. will talkD. talked

  [点拨] 答案是A。 此题考查现在进行时的用法。由提示语Listen!可知,要我们“听”的动作是正在发生的。此外,像带有Look!之类的提示语的句子也要用现在进行时态。

  3. He turned off the lights and then______ the classroom. (2003广东)

  A. leaves B. will leave C. is leaving D. left

  [点拨] 答案是D。 此题考查一般过去时的用法。“关灯”和“离开”是主语He同时发出的两个并列动作。前半句He turned off the lights是一般过去时,根据时态一致性的原则可以确定后半句也要用一般过去时。

  4. She will have a holiday as soon as she ______ the work next week. (2003北京西城区)

  A. finishesB. doesn’t finishC. will finish D. won’t finish

  [点拨] 答案是A。 此题考查时间状语从句时态的用法。当主句是一般将来时或含有将来的意味时,as soon as, until等引导的时间状语从句要用一般现在时。

  5. Bill might phone while I’m out this evening. If he ______, could you take a message?(2003江西)

  A. does B. might C. phoned D. will

  [点拨] 答案是A。 此题考查条件状语从句时态的用法。当主句是一般将来时或含有将来的意味时,if, unless等引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时。

  6. Tom______ his homework yet, so he won’t go out with his classmates. (2003广东)

  A. finishes B. has finished C. doesn’t finish D. hasn’t finished

  [点拨] 答案是D。 此题考查现在完成时的用法。yet用于现在完成时的否定句,表示“还没有”。由后半句so he won’t go out with his classmates(所以不能和同学一起出去)也可知道“汤姆还没有完成家庭作业”。

  7. —Where is Mr Green now? I haven’t seen him for a few days. (2003北京西城区)

  —He ______ to Hong Kong .

  A. goesB. will goC. is goingD. has gone

  [点拨] 答案是D。 此题考查现在完成时的用法。has gone to表示“到某地去了”,含义是不在说话地点。注意,have been to表示“曾经到过某地”,现在已回到说话地点。题意为“格林先生在哪里?我已经好几天没有见到他了”。

  8. —Oh, Mrs King, your necklace looks nice. Is it new? (2003黄冈)

  —No, I______ it for two years.

  A. had B. have had C. bought D. have bought

  [点拨] 答案是B。 此题考查终止性动词不能与for+段时间状语的用法。此题易误选D。buy(买)是终止性动词,不表示“延续”意义。即不能与since或for引导的表示一段时间的状语连用。须改用能够表示“延续”意义的其它动词或短语。如come—be in; go(leave)—be away (from); begin—be on; end—be over; die—be dead; buy—have等。

  9. Jim’s father said to him, “I hope you _________ what I ________ you to buy.” (2003重庆)

  A. didn’t forget, toldB. not to forget, have told

  C. won’t forget, have toldD. haven’t forgotten, will tell

  [点拨] 答案是C。根据句子意思判断。题意是“我希望你不要忘了我让你买的东西。”主语的“希望”是将来情况;而让他买东西是已经告诉过的。

  10. —Your sweater looks nice, is it______ wool? (2003湖北黄冈)

  —Yes, and it’s______ Inner Mongolia.

  A. made of; made by B. made of; made in

  C. made by; made for D. made by; made from

  [点拨] 答案是B。 此题考查一般现在时的被动语态的用法。be made of(由……制造),指从成品中能够看出原材料;be made in(在某地制造);be made from(由……制造),指从成品中看不出原材料。题意是“你的毛衣很漂亮。是羊毛的吗?”“是的,是内蒙古制造的”。

  11. A talk on Chinese history ______in the school hall next week. (2003天津)

  A. be givenB. has been givenC. will be givenD. will give

  [点拨] 答案是C。 此题考查一般将来时的被动语态。B项has been given是现在完成时的被动语态;C项will be given是一般将来时的被动语态。D项是一般将来时的主动语态。根据句末的时间状语next week(下周)可以确定该句应用一般将来时的被动语态。

  12. Both Lily and Lucy ______ to the party yesterday. (2003黑龙江)

  A. invitedB. was invitedC. had invitedD. were invited

  [点拨] 答案是D。 此题考查一般过去时的被动语态。A、C项是主动语态。由句子主语Lily and Lucy确定答案是were invited。题意是“昨天Lily和Lucy都被邀请去参加派对了”。

  13. The magazines______ to the library in two weeks. (2003广东)

  A. must return B. must be returned C. returned D. must be returning

  [点拨] 答案是B。 此题考查含有情态动词的被动语态。A项是主动语态。含有情态动词的被动语态的构成是“情态动词 + be + 过去分词”。题意是“这些杂志必须在两周内归还图书馆”。14. Mrs Brown isn’t here. She has to ______ her baby at home. (2003北京)

  A. look atB. look forC. look likeD. look after

  [点拨] 答案是D。 此题考查短语动词用法辨析。look at意为“看……”;look for意为“寻找”;look like意为“看起来像”;look after意为“照看;照顾”。解答此类题的方法是,先辨别每个短语的意思,然后代入句中检验。符合句意即是正确答案。

  15. —May I _____ your Chinese-English dictionary?

  —Sony, I______ it at home. (2003湖北黄冈)

  A. borrow; forgot B. lend; left C. lend; forgot D. borrow; left

  [点拨] 答案是A。词义辨析题。borrow意为“向某人借某物”;lend意为“借给某人某物”。将某物遗忘在某处用leave,而不用forget。


  1. Look! Some blue birds ______ in the sky.

  A. flyB. flyingC. are flyingD. flies

  2. —How many times ______ you ______ to Beijing this year?

  —Three times.

  A. have; beenB. had; beenC. have; goneD. had; gone

  3. You may go fishing if your work ______.

  A. is doneB. will be done C. has doneD. have done

  4. —Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, Dick?

  —John ______.

  A. cleanedB. doesC. didD. is

  5. —Lucy, ______ you ______ your ticket?

  —Not yet.

  A. did, findB. have, foundC. has, foundD. do, find

  6.Tom ______ the CD player for two weeks.

  A. has lentB. has borrowedC. has boughtD. has had

  7. Meimei has received several letters from her hometown since she ______ to the city.

  A. cameB. comesC. has comeD. will come

  8. —Nice to see you. I ______ you for a long time.

  —I ______ in Beijing. I’ve just come back.

  A. hadn’t seen; amB. haven’t seen; was

  C. didn’t see; will beD. haven’t seen; shall be

  9. The trees must ______ three times a week.

  A. waterB. is wateringC. be wateredD. waters

  10. —Did you see Tom at the party?

  —No, he ______ by the time I got there.

  A. leftB. was leavingC. had leftD. has left

  11. —Alice, you ______ on the phone.

  —I’m coming. Thanks.

  A. wantB. are wantedC. are wantingD. have wanted

  12. —When will you tell him the good news?

  —I will tell him about it as soon as he ______ back.

  A. comesB. cameC. will comeD. is coming

  13. Catherine ______ the letter before her mother came in to her bedroom.

  A. has writtenB. was writtenC. had writtenD. is writing

  14. —Why not go to see the dolphin show with me?

  —Because I ______ it.

  A. sawB. will seeC. seeD. have seen

  15. Mr. Chen has a loud voice. His voice can ______ clearly even in that big classroom.

  A. hearB. be heardC. be hearingD. have heard

  16. —Hi, Carol. How was your trip to Disney world?

  —Hi, Alice. Oh, we ______ a good time there.

  A. are havingB. have hadC. hadD. have

  17. ______ carefully before you buy a new house.

  A. ThinkingB. To thinkC. ThinksD. Think

  18. —Can you give me a hand, Robin?

  —But, Helen, you ______ my help every five minutes. I ______ TV now.

  A. need, am watchingB. need, watch

  C. are needing, watch D. are needing, am watching.

  19. Mr Johnson’s story __________ by everyone who heard it.

  A. laughed atB. was laughedC. laughedD. was laughed at

  20. Wang Hai ______ his homework and now he is watching TV.

  A. has finished B. finished C. will finish D. finishes

  21. Another new library______ last month in my hometown.

  A. built B. was builtC. has been built D. is built

  22. — ______ he ______ at this school last term?

  —Yes, I think so.

  A. Did; study B. Does; study C. Was; study D. Did; studied

  23. What ______ you ______ when I rang you up yesterday?

  A. are; doing B. were; doingC. do; do D. have; done

  24. When and where to go for the holiday yet.

  A. are not decided B. have not been decided

  C. is not being decided D. has not been decided

  25. —How long has the foreigner______ here?

  — He has ______ here for several hours.

  A. arrived; come B. come; gotC. stayed; beenD. left; been away

  26. —Can I speak to Mr Smith?

  —I’m afraid not. He ______ a meeting at the moment.

  A. having B. is having C. has D. had

  27. —Don’t forget to post this letter for me, please.

  —No, I ______.

  A. don’t B. won’t C. mustn’t D. can’t

  28. —What do you think of the football match yesterday?

  —Well. It’s surprising. The strongest team of our school ______.

  A. was beatenB. wonC. scoredD. was failed

  29. —Waiter, I’d like some Yangzhou Fried Rice.

  —Sorry, sir. Yangzhou Fried Rice ______ only for lunch and dinner.

  A. servesB. servedC. is servingD. is served

  30. —I won’t come to the party unless Sue ______, too.

  —You mean if Sue comes you’ll come?

  A. will invite B. invites C. invited D. is invited

  31. Don’t hurry! We can get to the bus station in time and we ______ the early bus.

  A.don’t miss B. can missC. will missD. won’t miss

  32. Look at those big black clouds. It ______ rain. Let’s hurry.

  A. mustB. willC. wouldD. is going to

  33. —May I go to the cinema, Mum?

  —Certainly. But you ______ be back by 11 o’clock.

  A. canB. mayC. mustD. need

  34. —Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon?

  —I’d love to. But I’m afraid I ______. I have too much work to do.

  A. can’tB. mustn’tC. needn’tD. may not

  35. To make our city more beautiful, rubbish ______ into the river.

  A. needn’t be thrownB. mustn’t be thrown

  C. can’t throwD. may not throw


  1. C. 提示语Look!(你看!)表明动作正在进行。

  2. A. have been to(曾经去过某地);have gone to(到某地去了)。由时间状语this year确定用现在完成时。

  3. A. if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时。

  4. C. did代替cleaned。

  5. B. Not yet.(还没有。)与现在完成时连用。

  6. D. buy和borrow是终止性动词,在现在完成时中不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。

  7. A. since 从句用一般现在时,主句用现在完成时,表示动作从过去某一时间一直延续到现在。

  8. B. I haven’t seen you for a long time.(我很长时间没有见到你了。)由I’ve just come back.判断第二空格应用was说明很长时间没有见面的原因。

  9. C. must be watered(必须浇水),是含有情态动词的被动语态。题意是“这些树每周须浇三次水”。

  10. C. by the time I got there(直到我到达那里为止),与过去完成时连用。

  11. B. 一般现在时的被动语态。意为“有你的电话”。

  12. A. as soon as(一……就……)。当主句是一般将来时或含有将来的意味时,as soon as等引导的时间状语从句用一般现在时。

  13. C. 根据句意判断。过去完成时表示在过去某一动作之前已经发生或完成的动作。句意是“凯瑟琳在她的妈妈进卧室之前就写好了信”。

  14. D. 根据上下文语境判断,因为我看过海豚表演了,所以不去看了。现在完成时表示过去发生的事对现在的影响或结果。

  15. B. can be heard(能被听到),是含有情态动词的被动语态。

  16. C. 由How was your trip to Disney world可以判断是在询问过去的情况。

  17. D. 动词原形开头构成祈使句。

  18. A. every five minutes(每隔五分钟),与一般现在时连用;now与现在进行时连用。由上下文语境也可判断出此答案。

  19. D. laugh at(嘲笑),短语动词变被动语态时后面的介词不能漏掉。B项即是这种错误。

  20. A. 根据句意判断。“王海已经做完家庭作业,现在正在看电视”。

  21. B. 由时间状语last month可确定该句应用一般过去时被动语态。

  22. A. 由时间状语last term判断,该句应用一般过去时。

  23. B. 过去进行时与when引导的状语从句连用,表示在过去某个时刻正在进行的动作。

  24. D. 现在完成时的被动语态。句意为“什么时候,去哪里度假还没有决定”。“疑问词+不定式短语”作主语,谓语动词用单数。

  25. C. 现在完成时表示过去发生的动作一直延续到现在。come, arrive, leave等是终止性动词,不能与for, since等引导的表示一段时间的状语连用。

  26. B. Mr Smith不能接电话的原因是他“正在开会”。

  27. B. 由上下文语境判断。题意“不要忘了帮我邮寄这封信。”“好的。我不会(忘记)的。”

  28. A. be beaten(被击败)。根据语境判断。fail作“失败”讲是不及物动词,没有被动语态。

  29. D. 此题用被动语态,题意是“只有午餐或晚餐供应扬州炒饭”。

  30. B. 主句是一般将来时,unless引导的条件状语从句要用一般现在时。题意是“除非苏涛邀请我,不然我不会来参加聚会的。”

  31. D. 由句意判断。Don’t worry. We can get to the bus station in time. 是关键句

  32. D. be going to表示根据客观现象判断将要发生某事。will表示客观上将发生某事,与主观判断无关。

  33. C. must表示“必要性”,由语境判断。“你可以……但必须……”。

  34. A. I have too much work to do(我有太多的工作要做),所以恐怕我不能去。

  35. B. 此题考查含有情态动词的被动语态否定式。needn’t(不必要);mustn’t(不应该;不许),表“禁止”。

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