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初中英语辅导:Units 1—6口语大盘点(二)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/01/10 12:44  英语辅导报

  Nice to see you again, my dear friends!上期我们对1—3单元学过的一些口语项目如:问候、介绍、请求许可和帮助、个人喜好以及节日等重新做了“盘点”,今天我们再一起回顾一下4—6 单元的关于食品、服装、健康和购物等方面的口语表达。让我们接着比一比Who has the best memory(记忆力)?

  I. 经典例句

  1. About food

  What food do you like?

  I like snacks very much. They are sweet.

  I often eat apples because they are good for me.

  2. About health

  We often eat fruit and juice. Because they are good for our health.

  I don’t eat hamburgers any more because there is too much energy in them.

  Do you feel better?

  3. About clothes

  I don’t like to wear black skirt. I like red skirt.

  Do you like the purple shirt?

  What is the sweater made of?

  It’s made of wool.

  4. About shopping

  Can I help you?

  What can I do for you?

  How much are they?

  Can I try it on?

  It fits me well.

  It’s too dear. Do you have a cheaper one?

  I’ll take it.

  II. 情景再现

  (Dialogue One)

  A: Hi, Andy! What do you usually eat for breakfast?

  B: I often have some juice and bread.

  A: How often do you eat cakes, biscuits and sweets?

  B: Never. Because they are bad for my health.

  A: How long do you sleep every night?

  B: More than 10 hours. And I do

  exercise every day.

  A: I see. You’re a very healthy person. Congratulations!

  (Dialogue Two)

  A: What can I do for you, Madam?

  B: Yes, I’m looking for a shirt.

  A: What colour would you like?

  B: I want something in light colour.

  A: How do you like this one? It’s made of silk.

  B: I like the colour. But I don’t know if it fits me well. Can I try it on?

  A: Yes, of course.

  B: Oh, it’s OK. How much is it?

  A: 12 dollars.

  B: Well, I’ll take it.

  同学们,看完上面的精彩回放,你有什么感受?先不要说自己就是最好的。我们还要将比赛进行到底,最后一关在本期第五面的“口语集中练”!千万不要忘记:He laughs best who laughs last. (谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。)

  (文/刘燚 英语辅导报牛津七年级版2004-2005学年第20期;版权归英语辅导报社所有独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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