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高中英语辅导:How to Study Effectively
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/01/27 08:51  英语辅导报


  Key Point

  Build good study habits to create success.

  Effective studying has three requirements.

  Create favorable (良好的) conditions. Generate a positive attitude. Develop good techniques.

  Create favorable conditions.

  Create a schedule (计划). Plan to study specific times each week. Break up times as much as possible; an hour here, an hour there. Study harder subjects first when you are fresh. Build good habits.

  Choose a location where you can concentrate. Avoid or remove distractions(分心的事). Loud music or any TV reduces effectiveness.

  Generate a positive attitude.

  Make the subject meaningful to you in some way. Ask questions to be an active learner and to generate interest (激发兴趣). Reward yourself after each study segment (片断); use breaks, food, walks and music.

  Develop good techniques.

  Use the SQR3 method for reading textbooks.

  ●Survey the section (节) or chapter. Skim questions, key words, figures and summaries.

  ●Question. Create questions for each major topic.

  ●Read and answer questions. Make notes in the margin (页边的空白).

  ●Recite the main points.

  ●Review. Create a one-page summary sheet. Revise as necessary.

  Use repetition to increase remembering. Review summary sheets and chapters weekly. For intensive (密集的) memorization, create flash cards and practice often.

  Dealing with problem areas.

  Procrastination (拖延), lack of concentration (注意力不集中) and boredom are the three biggest problems that reduce energy and effectiveness. They are often related and improvement in one can lead to improvement in others.


  Procrastination steals time. It saps (耗竭) energy, creates self-doubt and produces anxiety. One trick for beating it is to get started quickly. If necessary, fool yourself. Plan to work for just a few minutes, then get back to procrastination. Take the first step.

  Before really studying, try thumbing through the chapter or read the introduction to build interest.

  Lack of concentration

  Lack of concentration is like a lack of fuel. Without concentration, the mind has little power. Improve concentration by removing distractions and increasing interest.

  Remove external distractions by finding a quiet place to study. Remove internal distractions whenever they surface by placing them on a list.

  To increase interest, try talking about the subject with yourself. Ask questions: What is the most important? Why? Try imagining the author or teacher sitting with you. What would you ask them?


  If a subject, class, book or teacher is boring, whose fault is it? Who suffers the most? Who has to do something about it? You do!

  If you're bored when studying, be more active. Ask questions. Switch subject matter more often. Outline the three most important ideas. Vocalize, visualize and symbolize to engage all areas of your brain. Work shorter periods. Discuss ideas with others.

  Review short term and long term goals. Relate the subject to your goals and interests.

  (文/孙凤喜; 英语辅导报高一版 04~05学年度第17期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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