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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/02 14:16  英语辅导报

  6. 用"of"或"than"对一些名词或形容词重叠连接,构成的短语形式有:"名词+of+同一名词复数形式","形容词最高级+of+ the+同一形容词原级","形容词比较级+than+同一形容词原级","形容词比较级+than+the+同一形容词最高级"等,在句中能加重语气。如:

  Grain is the treasure of treasures.

  His parents are the poorest of the poor.

  I am the stronger than strong.

  She is purer than the purest.

  7. "every+微量名词"构成名词短语,该短语不仅具有量词的特性,而且对句中述谓部分进行修饰,起到加强语气的作用。如:every inch, every word, every day, every moment, every minute, every bit等。如:

  I study English every day.

  I am expecting him to arrive every minute.

  I watched her every moment.


  I can understand every word of what he says.

  We fight for every inch of land.

  He ate every bit of his dinner.

  I enjoyed every minute of the party.

  8. 助动词(be, have, do 等)是一种能在句中发挥重要语法作用的功能词,有些副词放在助动词之前,使它们受到强调,结果使整个句子的语气得到加强。如:well, terribly, really, still, certainly, simply, always等。如:

  You certainly have grown.(You have certainly grown.)

  9. 一些名词短语和副词(短语)与比较级连用,尽管其字面意义已弱化,但能在程度上起加强语意的作用。如:a good bit, a great deal, a long sight, a lot, a thought, very much, all the, by far, so much, far, still, even, yet, ever等。如:

  It is a long sight better.

  I have yet more exciting news for you.

  10. 一些带有否定词的副词短语,在句中能够加强其后面的名词或形容词的语意,其形式否定意义肯定,具有一般副词所不能比拟的强调效果。如:not a little, as soon as not, no other than, no less than, nothing else than, nothing short of, not half, nothing if not, without fail等。如:

  Nothing short of your best work will satisfy me.

  He was not a little surprised.

  11.一些以-ly结尾的强调性副词,如:extremely, particularly, really, awfully, frightfully, terribly, horribly 等,可与动词、形容词、副词、过去分词、现在分词等连用,并置于被修饰对象之前,加强其语意,尤其将这些副词置于谓语动词之前,能加强整个句子的语气。如:

  I really appreciate all you have done for me.

  12. 一些副词或短语在句中不是修饰谓语,而是对整个句子进行说明或解释,表明说话人对话语的看法或态度,强调话语内容的真实性,肯定语气强烈。如:frankly, honestly, personally, literally, of course, to tell the truth等。如:

  Frankly, I am tired of it.

  另外,有些副词或短语,因其特殊性难以归类,它们都具有失去字面意义,在句中增添修饰对象的"描述"信息。省略后,句子仍能成立。如:good (nice) and, as it is (does), far, well, way, just, right等。如:

  He sees far into the past.

  Hidden as it was by the trees, the tomb was difficult to find.

  (文/于小芸 英语辅导报大学教师版04~05学年第16期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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