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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/25 14:02  英语辅导报

  -- 对一个总是的商榷

  2003—2004学年度《英语辅导报》高中教师版第19期(总第381期)《间接引语的两个特殊问题》一文作者认为:新编高中英语教材高一(上)P. 5中的句子:She said that she would try to finish reading the book by the end of this week. 是由直接引语She siad,“I will try to finish reading the book by the end of this week.”变来的,然而却变错了,必须变为:She said that she will try to finish reading the book by the end of this week. 或She said that she would try to finish reading the book by the end of that week. 理由是要么时态和时间状语同时都改,要么都不改。

  笔者认为,这种解释是不符合英语实际的。人教版《初级中学课本英语》第五册P. 93说:以上这些变化(笔者注:指时间状语、地点状语、指示代词等由直接引语改为间接引语时,要作相应的变化),要根据说话的实际情况来定,不要机械照搬,假如就在当地转述,here就不必改为there。如果就在当天转述,yesterday, tomorrow等时间状语也不必改变。


  1. 《实用英语语法》(1995修订重印本)(张道真编著)P. 551—552:

  She said,“I will come here again tonight.”

  She said (that) she would go there again that night.

  但如果意思上没有这种改变的必要(例如是当天说的话)也就不必作这样的改变,那样上面的例句就变为: She said she'd come again tonight. (笔者注:此处只改变了时态,而没有改变时间状语)。

  2. 《新编英语语法》修订本(下册) P. 1209:


  “I make the plan yesterday afternoon,” said Mr Blake. → Mr Blake told me he had made the plan the previous afternoon.

  如果说话时间和引述时间在同一天,则表示日期的时间状语可以不变:→ Mr Blake told me he (had) made the plan yesterday afternoon.

  又比如:“I'm leaving for Beijing the day after tomorrow,” he said. 如果说话时间为引述时间之当日,则用原来的时间状语:→ He told me that he was leaving for Beijing the day after tomorrow.

  如果说话时间为引述时间之次日,则曰:→ He told me that he was leaving for Beijing tomorrow.

  如果说话时间为引述时间之又次日,则曰:→ He told me that he was leaving for Beijing today.

  如果说话时间在引述时间的好几天以后,则曰:→ He told me he was leaving for Beijing in two days' time.

  3. 《贺氏英文语法全书》修订版(上册)(贺立民编著) P. 666:如果直接叙述与间接叙述是在同一天,其中表示日期的时间副词则不可改变。如:

  直:At supper this evening he said, “I'll be very busy tomorrow.”

  间:At supper this evening he said that he would be very busy tomorrow.

  《高级英语语法》(最新修订)(薄冰主编)P. 521—522:

  She said, “I saw him last night.”→ She said that she had seen him the night before. (如指说话时的“昨晚”,则仍可用last night.)(笔者注:此处只改变时态,不改变时间状语,即She said that she had seen him last night. 那么过去完成时能否与last night连用呢?薄冰教授在其《英语时态》P. 156列举了一个类似的句子:

  Mary, why had everything happened last night? (last night指说话人说话时的“昨晚”)。

  He said, “They will come tomorrow.”→ He said that they would come the next day. (也可仍用tomorrow,如果“将于第二天来”的第二天也是说话人说话时的第二天的话)。

  4. 《牛津实用英语语法》(第四版)翻译本P. 551:但如果说话和转述发生在同一天,则不必作时间上的改变:At breakfast this morning he said, “I'll be very busy today.”→ At breakfast this morning he said that he would be very busy today.


  (文/李翔 刘绪侠; 英语辅导报高中教师版 04~05学年度第21期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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