获冰岛国籍世界棋王重见自由曙光 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/23 17:00 国际在线 |
After nearly nine months in a Japanese detention cell on a U.S. warrant, American chess legend Bobby Fischer appears headed to freedom after receiving citizenship in Iceland, site of his world championship victory three decades ago. Iceland's parliament voted Monday to give Fischer citizenship as he fights an order to deport him from Japan to the United States. Masako Suzuki, one of Fischer's lawyers, said she expected Fischer would be released within the week. "Unless something very unexpected happens, that would be the natural course of events," she said. Bolstered by the news, supporters visited Fischer at the immigration detention center on the outskirts of Tokyo. Miyoko Watai, his longtime companion, said Fischer was "very happy" after hearing the news. Fischer, 62, has been in Japanese custody since his arrest at the Tokyo airport in July. He is wanted in the United States for violating sanctions against the former Yugoslavia by playing a chess match there. In Washington, the State Department declined comment Monday, citing laws governing rights to privacy in such situations. Fischer has the authority to waive his privacy rights but has not done do. Fischer has said he wants to renounce his U.S. citizenship. He has demanded political refugee status in Japan and said he intends to marry Watai, who heads Japan's chess federation. Japanese Justice Minister Chieko Nono said Icelandic citizenship would make it legally possible" for Japan to deport Fischer to that country. "We will consider (the possibility) and make an appropriate decision," she said on TV Tokyo. The process still required a formal presidential signature, which was expected later Tuesday, Suzuki said. "It is clear that there is no need to detain him anymore," she said. "He wants to leave Japan immediately." Fischer became an icon in 1972 when he dethroned the Soviet Union's Boris Spassky in a series of games in Reykjavik to claim America's first world chess championship in more than a century. But a few years later he forfeited the title to another Soviet, Anatoly Karpov, when he refused to defend it. He then fell into obscurity before resurfacing to play an exhibition rematch against Spassky in the former Yugoslavia in 1992. Fischer won that rematch on the resort island of Sveti Stefan. But the match was played in violation of U.S. sanctions imposed to punish then-President Slobodan Milosevic (news - web sites). If convicted, Fischer could face 10 years in prison and a fine of $250,000. A federal grand jury in Washington is also investigating possible money-laundering charges involving Fischer, Richard J. Vattuone, one of his lawyers, said this month. Fischer was reported to have received $3.5 million from the Spassky rematch. He boasted at the time that he did not intend to pay any income tax on the winnings. |
获冰岛国籍世界棋王重见自由曙光 |
日前,在日本被监禁了近9个月的前美国国际象棋棋王鲍比-菲舍尔因获得冰岛国籍,将在本周内被日方释放。这位流亡13年的前世界棋王,终于看见自己重获自由的曙光。 据美联社3月22日报道,冰岛议会21日投票决定,允许前美国世界棋王菲舍尔加入冰岛国籍。消息传出后,菲舍尔的日本律师铃木真子表示,菲舍尔很可能在本周内获释。她说:“这(指菲舍尔获释)是顺理成章的事情,除非发生意外。”日本法务大臣南野知惠子表示,菲舍尔的冰岛国籍使日本可以合法地将他移交给冰岛政府。南野知惠子说:“目前,日本已经没有任何必要再将菲舍尔监禁,他本人也想立即离开日本前往冰岛。” 1992年,菲舍尔因违反美国禁令前往南斯拉夫参加比赛而受到美國政府通缉。同时,美国华盛顿特区联邦大陪审团本月开始调查有关菲舍尔涉嫌洗黑钱的问题。据说,菲舍尔在1992年南斯拉夫的那场比赛得到了350万美元,但没有纳税。目前,获得冰岛国籍是否可以帮助菲舍尔免于回美国受审还没有确切的消息。 菲舍尔是一名极具个性的世界著名棋手。早在1972年,菲舍尔在冰岛首都雷克雅未克进行的世界棋王争霸战中击败斯帕斯基成为新的世界棋王。1975年,他因拒绝接受世界冠军候选人卡尔波夫的挑战而被国际棋联宣布废黜王位。 1992,菲舍尔因违反美国禁令,私自前往南斯拉夫参加了一场比赛而遭美國政府的通緝。美方称,一旦菲舍尔被判有罪,他将面临10年监禁并被处以25万美元的罚款。去年7月,62岁的菲舍尔在日本东京机场被日本警方以持过期护照为由拘捕。 报道说,菲舍尔曾表示,他要放弃美国国籍,并希望在日本取得政治难民的身份,同时他还娶了日本国际象棋联盟负责人绵井为妻。 1943年3月9日,菲舍尔出生在美国芝加哥。他6岁跟姐姐学会下国际象棋,12岁参加大师赛,14岁成为美国公开赛和美国青年赛冠军,16岁开始职业棋手生涯。1960年,菲舍尔跻身世界顶尖棋坛高手之列。他先后代表美国参加了1960年、1962年、1966年和1970年4届奥林匹克团体赛。在1970年的世界冠军赛中,他最终获得了向世界棋王挑战的资格,并于1972年成为国际象棋历史上第11位世界棋王。(文/蒋黎黎) |