夏威夷发现二战时日本潜艇残骸(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/22 15:15 国际在线 |
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A research team from the University of Hawaii discovered the I-401 submarine Thursday during test dives off Oahu. "We thought it was rocks at first, it was so huge," said Terry Kerby, pilot of the research craft that found the vessel. "But the sides of it kept going up and up and up, three and four stories tall. It's a leviathan down there, a monster." The submarine is from the I-400 Sensuikan Toku class of subs, the largest built before the nuclear ballistic missile submarines of the 1960s. They were 400 feet long and nearly 40 feet high and could carry a crew of 144. The submarines were designed to carry three "fold-up" bombers that could be assembled for flight within minutes. Kerby said the main hull is sitting upright and is in good shape. The I-401 numbers are clearly visible on the sides, and the anti-aircraft guns are in almost perfect condition, he said. An I-400 and I-401 were captured at sea a week after the Japanese surrendered in 1945. Their mission -- which was never completed -- reportedly was to use the aircraft to drop rats and insects infected with bubonic plague, cholera, typhus and other diseases on U.S. cities. When the bacteriological bombs could not be prepared in time, the mission was reportedly changed to bomb the Panama Canal. Both submarines were ordered to sail to Pearl Harbor and were deliberately sunk later, partly because Russian scientists were demanding access to them. The submarine found Thursday is the second Japanese vessel discovered off Oahu by the Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory. In 2002, researchers found the wreckage of a much smaller Japanese sub that was sunk on December 7, 1941, off Pearl Harbor. |
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夏威夷发现二战时日本潜艇残骸(图) |
据CNN3月21日报道,美国夏威夷大学一个水下研究小组17日在夏威夷群岛的瓦胡岛海域进行试潜水时,发现了这艘“I-401”号潜艇。小组成员特里-克尔比说:“它那么大,我们开始还以为它是暗礁。但是,它的侧面一直升高再升高,有三四层楼那么高,像一个庞然怪兽。” 报道说,这艘“I-401”号潜艇排在“I-400”号Sensuikan Toku潜艇之后。它们是20世纪60年代弹道导弹核潜艇造出以前的最大潜艇。艇身长400英尺(约120米),高近40英尺(约12米),能载144人,还能携带3架相互靠拢的轰炸机,这些轰炸机在3分钟之内便可起飞。克尔比说,这艘潜艇的主体竖直立在海底,状态完好。潜艇侧面的“I-401”字样清晰可辨,潜艇上一些高射炮的状态也十分完好。 1945年日本投降一周后,“I-400”号和“I-401”号潜艇在海里被缴获。它们当时的任务是,用飞机将感染有黑死病、霍乱、斑疹伤寒症和其它疾病的老鼠及昆虫投放到美国的城市,但这一任务永远不会完成了。由于这些细菌炸弹未能及时准备好,它们的任务改为将炸弹投到巴拿马运河。后来,这两艘潜艇被命令开到珍珠港,并被故意弄沉,部分原因是当时的苏联科学家想得到它们。 报道还说,2002年,这个水下研究小组瓦胡岛海域发现了一艘比“I-401”号小得多的潜艇,它是1941年12月7日在珍珠港附近沉没的。(文/孙亚萍) |