韩国汽车零部件制造业何以独步亚洲 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/21 18:22 国际在线 |
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At first blush, South Korea wouldn't appear to be an ideal spot to set up shop in a business as competitive as auto parts. The country is squeezed between high-quality Japan and low-cost China, and its domestic market is justover 1 million cars a year-- less than a fifth of Japan's, and tiny when compared with China's potential. But appearances can be deceiving. In recent years, Korea has become a magnet for auto-component makers, with more than 200 foreign-owned manufacturers now operating in the country. The list includes all the big names: Visteon (VC ) and Delphi (DPH ) of the U.S., Robert Bosch of Germany, Japan's Denso (DNZOY ) -- indeed, all but three of the top 30 global players. The reason for the rush into Korea? The 1997-98 Asian financial crisis made Korean assets cheap, so scores of midsize companies were snapped up by global giants. "The crisis pushed many parts makers to near-bankruptcy -- and foreign takeovers stabilized and helped improve their quality," says Cho Chuel, auto-industry specialist at the state-funded Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade. And despite Japan's reputation for quality, manufacturing there is often too expensive for foreign operators to make a profit. China, meanwhile, is cheap -- a Chinese-made axle might cost half what a Korean one does -- but the country lacks Korea's design and engineering capabilities. The Koreans, of course, have also gotten a boost from foreign parts makers. Hyundai was once the butt of jokes about its shoddy workmanship, but in the past two years it has become one of the global leaders in quality. That turnaround is due in part to a relentless focus on quality at Hyundai but also results from an increased availability of top-notch parts from foreign suppliers. Today, foreign-controlled companies supply a third of the parts Korean auto makers use, up from less than a fifth in the 1990s, Kim says. The business is accelerating. Sales of Korean auto components are expected to surge to $36.4 billion this year, up from $34.2 billion last year and $27.1 billion in 2002, according to the Korea Auto Industries Cooperative Assn. (KAICA). Delphi has seven plants in Korea, making everything from air bags to fuel injectors; its sales in the country climbed 33% last year, to $1.5 billion, representing some 45% of its Asia-Pacific revenues. During a visit last year, Delphi Chairman J.T. Battenberg III forecast growth of up to 20% in Korean sales in 2005 and said he remained "optimistic and bullish" about Korea. The boom, though, may not last long. Chinese rivals will soon close the engineering and design gap with Korea -- perhaps in as little as two or three years. "Already we are witnessing far greater investment in China by global parts suppliers than in Korea," says Chung Ha Seung, senior managing director at Korea Automotive Motor Corp. (KAMCO), a wholly owned subsidiary of Bosch that makes small motors for wipers, seat sliders, and power windows. That means the Koreans must keep innovating and introduce automation to stay competitive. |
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韩国汽车零部件制造业何以独步亚洲 |
美国《商业周刊》网站3月18日发表文章说,随着海外资金的注入,韩国汽车零部件制造业已在亚洲占据了绝对的领先地位。从外部条件考虑,韩国并不是一个开展汽车零部件制造业务的理想之地。首先从地理位置上讲,它被夹在日本和中国之间,日本的汽车零件产品质量毫无疑问要高于韩国产品,而来自中国市场的低成本汽车零件也必然会对韩国造成严重的影响。其次,韩国国内汽车市场大约为100万辆,仅仅相当于日本的五分之一,比起潜力巨大的中国更是显得少的可怜。然而,不要被外表的假相所迷惑,最近几年,韩国已经一跃成为世界知名的汽车零部件制造商,迄今为止韩国境内的外资制造商数量已经达到了200家。其中更是不乏像美国的伟世通(Visteon)、德尔福(Delphi)、德国的罗伯特·博世(Robert Bosch)及日本的电装(DENSO)等世界知名品牌。究竟是何种力量帮助韩国成为世界知名的汽车零部件产品制造商? 韩国产业经济与贸易研究院(KIET)的汽车制造业分析专家说,1997到1998年,韩国本土经济遭受了东亚金融危机的严重打击,中小型公司都处于濒临破产的地步。而就在当时,大量外资巨头涌入韩国,因此韩国境内大量公司被外资所掌控。随着外资企业的扶持和帮助,韩国中小型公司逐步走出困境并大大提高了产品质量。反观主要竞争对手日本,因为成本过高,日产汽车零部件在价格方面根本无法与韩国厂商抗衡;而中国方面虽然产品价格具有较大优势,但在零件设计及性能方面却要逊色韩产零部件。因此,韩国在日本的高质高价和中国低价低质之间找到了一个完美的平衡点,这也最终导致了它短期之内的脱颖而出。 韩国汽车零部件行业发展迅猛的另一大原因就是国内汽车制造商近期表现坚挺。现代与起亚两家制造商去年的销量总和增长了足足12%,达到320万辆,其中四分之三的车辆销往海外。两家公司预计,到2010年底总销量有望增长至500万辆。曾经因表现不佳而在2002年被美国通用汽车(GM)收购的韩国大宇(Daewo)公司去年的销量也达到了90万辆。以这些韩国本土汽车制造商为坚实后盾,本国的汽车零部件制造行业才能表现得如此出色。 韩国汽车零部件产业的增长仍然呈现出递增的态势。据韩国汽车工业合作会(KAICA)的统计数据,韩国汽车零部件产品销量有望从去年的342亿美元上升到今年的364亿美元,这个数字在2002年还仅仅为271亿美元。与此同时,韩国汽车零部件产品的出口量也在快速增长,KAICA预测2005年韩国零部件产品出口量将增至72亿美元,去年为59亿美元。这些出口零部件产品中的很小一部分用于海外汽车修理服务,而绝大部分被直接提供给了汽车制造商。去年一年中,通用汽车公司从韩国50家汽车零部件制造商手中采购了价值4.9亿美元的零部件产品。 文章分析说,韩国这种高高在上的地位不会持续很久了,随着中国厂商技术的进步,与韩国公司之间的差距正在逐步缩小,也许在两到三年中两国的技术将会处于同一水平线上。最近几年中,外资公司也已经开始了中国市场的开发,纷纷投资中国汽车零部件制造商,这必将大大加速后者技术进步的速度。罗伯特·博世公司韩国汽车分公司相关人员透露,近几年外资对中国厂商的投资力度已经超越了韩国,韩国的霸主地位已受到了威胁。(文/李远) |