欧洲电游业低靡 劳拉被迫寄人篱下 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/24 17:02 国际在线 |
The video-game heroine Lara Croft of Tomb Raider fame may not seem like an obvious British export, but she is. That's one reason those concerned about the British video-game industry's future are closely watching the bidding war for Eidos PLC (EIDSY ), the publisher behind her creation. On Monday, Mar. 21, Elevation Partners, a new California-based private-equity firm whose directors include U2's Bono, offered $135.1 million in cash for the struggling British gamemaker. The next day, a British game publisher, SCi Entertainment Group, countered with a $144 million stock offer. To those worried about the erosion of a game-development industry, in which homegrown British outfits traditionally have excelled, the second bid marked an improvement -- and not just in terms of price. "It would be very nice to have one big publisher in the U.K.," says Fred Hasson, chief executive of the Independent Game Developers Assn., a trade group in based in Brighton. The bids for Eidos came as the company felt increasing financial pressure. Earlier in March, Eidos' shares dropped to their lowest point in 10 years after word that, if a takeover deal was not announced by Mar. 25, its creditor, the Royal Bank of Scotland, had the right to force it to sell some of its assets to pay back a $43.6 million loan. On Mar. 21, the Eidos board announced that it had accepted the bid from Elevation Partners, founded by tech investor Roger McNamee and John Riccitiello, the former president and chief operating officer of Electronic Arts. Tuesday, however, Eidos said it would consider the competing offer. The news pushed the shares up 28%, to the equivalent of $1.09, on the day the rival bid was revealed. For the broader British industry, the worst-case scenario would have involved Eidos' being simply split up and sold to foreign companies, says Hasson. Still, he favors a SCi Entertainment takeover because it could create a British publisher of a scale that might compete on an international level. "Now we just make [the games], and somebody else makes a profit," he says. And, if the deal goes through, Lara Croft will remain a British subject. |
欧洲电游业低靡 劳拉被迫寄人篱下 |
提起系列游戏《古墓丽影》中劳拉-克罗夫特小姐的大名,恐怕全世界数以百万计的拥趸们都会联想到她性感的外表,坚毅的性格以及她留给大家的神秘背影。作为电子游戏领域无可争议的虚拟偶像,劳拉把曾经不为人知的英国小型游戏制作发行公司Eidos PLC一举推上了世界顶尖游戏制作商的行列。目前为止,《古墓丽影》系列游戏在全球范围的出货量已经突破了1000万大关,然而近日劳拉和创造者Eidos公司却面临着被转手他人的威胁。 据美国《商业周刊》3月23日报道,3月21日,美国加州一家名为Elevation Partners的私营公司为英国游戏制作商Eidos开出了1.351亿美元的现金收购价格,这家提出收购公司的负责人之一包括著名乐队U2成员博诺。就在EP出价的第二天,英国游戏发行商SCi Entertainment Group也开出了1.44亿美元的收购价格。考虑到同处于英国的原因,英国发行商SCi无疑在收购竞争中占据了一定的优势。实际上早在3月21日的时候,Eidos董事会曾经宣布接受了Elevation Partners的出价。然而就在周二随着SCi的加入,Eidos公司收回了之前的发言,表示将会同时考虑SCi的出价。 英国在视频游戏软件市场占据的地位十分重要,根据圣地亚哥视频游戏研究公司DFC的统计数据,去年来自于英国的游戏产品销量达到了150亿美元。目前为止英国聚集了大量欧洲优秀的游戏开发人员,出品的游戏包括《古墓丽影》和《侠盗列车手》等卖座产品。根据市场调查机构NPD提供的统计数据,后者全系列销量连续3年排名全美游戏销量排行榜的首位。 然而欧洲游戏制造商正在逐渐丧失他们的领先地位。伦敦的市场调研公司Screen Digest的一份调查报告显示,欧洲独立视频游戏开发商的数量从4年以前的270家下滑到了如今的160家。 与此同时投资于游戏开发的资金降低了18%,达到6.06亿美元。鉴于这种下滑态势,大量英国本土游戏制作商转投到外国发行商的门下。上文提到的游戏产品《侠盗列车手》的原制造商现在已经隶属于美国发行商。而原产于英国的哈利波特主题系列游戏现在也被世界最大的美国游戏发行商EA收入囊中。本月,日本知名游戏厂商世嘉公司也宣布了购买英国游戏制作商reative Assembly的消息。 造成英国游戏产业低靡的一大原因就是视频游戏开发成本的提高。据统计,现在一款视频游戏的开发成本是5年前的两倍之多,如今一款游戏的开发预算已经从过去的300万美元上升到了1000万美元。另一方面,随着家用游戏机市场三足鼎立态势的延续,微软、索尼以及任天堂公司计划在不久发布自己的下一款主机产品,这必然将再一次引发游戏开发成本的提高。而实力不足的小型游戏开发商将失去独立生存的空间,视频游戏开发行业的门槛将越来越高。 就在英国国内游戏业界一片紧张的时候,其他国家的游戏市场上也纷纷传来令人担忧的消息。去年12月,法国著名游戏制作商Ubisoft在被美国EA收购了20%的股票之后发出了警告,声称这是一次恶意收购行为。目前已经有人呼吁法国政府对Ubisoft公司提供相应的保护。作为英国游戏制造商中的代表性人物,Eidos公司上一个财政年度前半年游戏发行销量下降到了5970万美元,这个数字比去年同期下滑了将近一半。(文/李远) |