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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/09 16:01  国际在线



  8-year-old Kevin McAllister is accidentally left behind when his family takes off for a vacation in France over the holiday season. Once he realizes they've left him home by himself, Kevin learns to fend for himself, and eventually has to protect his house against bumbling burglars Harry and Marv, who are planning to rob every house in Kevin's suburban Chicago neighborhood. Kevin's mother Kate is frantic when she realizes that she and the family have unintentionally left Kevin behind in Chicago, and she tries to make it back to Chicago as fast as she can, getting help from a polka band leader named Gus Polinski.


《小鬼当家》Home Alone 1片段
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  Mom: Stop! What's the matter with you?

  Kevin: He started it! He ate my pizza on purpose! He knows I hate sausages and olives...

  Uncle Frank: Look what you did, you little jerk!

  Mom: Kevin, get upstairs right now.

  Kevin: Why?

  Brother: Kevin, you're such a disease.

  Kevin: shut up!

  Dad: Kevin, upstairs!

  Mom: Say good night, Kevin.

  Kevin: Good night, Kevin. Why do I always get treated like scum?

  Mom: Oh, I'm sorry, this house is just crazy. We got all these extra kids running around and my brother-in-law's in from Ohio today. It's just nuts.

  Kevin: How come you didn't bring more cheese pizzas?

  Pizza boy: Nice tip, thanks a lot!

  Mom: Thanks.

  Henry: Having a reunion or something?

  Mom: No, my husband's brother transferred to Paris last summer and the kids still went to school here and I guess he missed the whole family so he's giving us this trip to Paris for the holiday...so we'll be together.

  Henry: You're taking a trip to Paris?

  Mom: Yes, we hope to leave tomorrow morning.

  Henry: Excellent, excellent.

  Mom: If you'll excuse me, this one's a little out of sorts. I'll be right back.

  Henry: Don't worry about me. I spoke to your husband already. And don't worry about your home. It's in good hands.

  Mom: There are fifteen people in this house and you're the only one who has to make trouble.

  Kevin: I'm the only one who is really getting dumped on.

  Mom: You are the only one acting up. Now get upstairs.

  Kevin: I am upstairs, dummy! The third floor?

  Mom: Go.

  Kevin:It's scary up there.

  Mom: Don't be silly, Fuller will be in for a while.

  Kevin: I don't want to sleep with Fuller. You know about him. He wets the bed. He'll pee all over me. I know it.

  Mom: Fine, we'll put him somewhere else.

  Kevin: I'm sorry.

  Mom: It's too late. Get upstairs.

  Kevin: Everyone in this family hates me!

  Mom: Then maybe you should ask Santa for a new family.

  Kevin: I don't want a new family. I don't want any family. Families suck!

  Mom: Just stay up there. I don't want to see you again for the rest of the night.

  Kevin: I don't wanna see you for the rest of my whole life. I don't wannna see anybody else either.

  Mom: I hope you don't mean that. You'd feel pretty sad if you woke up tomorrow morning and you didn't have a family.

  Kevin: No, I wouldn't.

  Mom: Then say it again. Maybe it'll happen.

  Kevin: I hope I never see any of you jerks again!


  1. be out of sorts,不守规矩,不正常。

  2. act up 调皮;运作不正常

  3. He wets the bed. 他尿床。


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