黑猩猩画作亮相伦敦著名拍卖行(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/05/17 15:40 国际在线 |
黑猩猩画作亮相著名拍卖行 Brightly colored paintings by Congo the chimpanzee are going on sale at a prestigious London auction house alongside works by Andy Warhol and Renoir. The collection of three tempera on paper paintings -- described as resembling abstract artworks -- are expected to fetch between $1,130 and $1,500 next month at sale. Congo, born in 1954, produced some 400 drawings and paintings between the ages of 2 and 4. He quickly learned how to handle a brush and pencils, instead of knocking them over or trying to eat them. He painted within the boundaries of the sheet of paper, never allowing the paint to spill over the edge, and appeared to know when he had finished a painting -- by refusing to pick up his brush or pencil over the work. Bonhams said Wednesday it believed the auction would break new ground. "I would sincerely doubt that chimpanzee art has ever been auctioned before," said Bonhams' director of modern and contemporary art, Howard Rutkowski. "I don't think anybody else has been crazy enough to do this." In 1957, animal behaviorist Desmond Morris organized an exhibition of chimpanzee art, including works by Congo, at London's Institute of Contemporary Arts. Critics reacted with a mix of scorn and skepticism, but Picasso reportedly owned a painting by Congo, Bonham's said. It wasn't immediately clear if Congo was still alive, a Bonhams spokeswoman said. |
黑猩猩画作亮相伦敦著名拍卖行(图) |
伦敦一家著名的拍卖行将出售黑猩猩刚果的绘画作品。这些色彩明艳的绘画将同画家安廸-沃霍尔和雷诺阿的作品一起被拍卖。 这三幅被喻为酷似抽象派作品的蛋彩画下月将在伯罕斯拍卖行公开拍卖。据预计,拍卖收入将高达1130到1500美元。 黑猩猩刚果出生于1954年。从两岁到四岁,它总共“创作”了400多幅素描和油画。 刚果很快就学会了使用手中的铅笔和画笔,而不是将它们掰断或是试图吃掉。他总是在画纸的范围内作画,从来不让颜料洒出画纸。他似乎还清楚的知道自己已经完成了一幅画作,因为一旦完成,他就不再提笔了。 伯罕斯拍卖行周三表示,他们相信次此拍卖将开辟出一片全新的领域。 伯罕斯拍卖行现当代艺术总监,霍华德-卢特考斯基说:“我相信以前从来没有人拍卖过黑猩猩的作品。我想没有人会这么疯狂。” 1957年,动物行为学家戴思蒙-莫里斯曾经在伦敦当代艺术馆组织过一次黑猩猩艺术作品展览,展品中包括刚果的画作。 伯罕斯拍卖行表示,外界的对这件事的评论大多是嘲笑和怀疑,但是据说毕加索也曾收藏过一幅刚果的作品。 伯罕斯拍卖行的发言人说,现在尚不清楚刚果是否还活着。 |
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