神秘火球滑过芬兰上空并在边境爆炸 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/05/19 11:48 国际在线 |
An exceptionally bright "fireball" was spotted slicing through the sky over Finland before exploding over the country's border with Russia. The phenomenon was witnessed by dozens of people in the eastern part of the country, the Finnish Astronomical Association (URSA) said Wednesday. "Our mathematicians have roughly calculated that the (fireball) began its decent over our eastern border and ended in an explosion over the Russian Karelia region," URSA newsletter editor Marko Pekkola told AFP. Closer calculations will be needed to determine the exact route taken by the "fireball", which was probably an incandescent meteorite, Pekkola added. |
神秘火球滑过芬兰上空并在边境爆炸 |
18日,一个莫名奇妙的“火球”在芬兰上空滑过,并最终在芬兰与俄罗斯交界处爆炸。 据美联社5月18日报道,当日,芬兰东部地区数十人亲眼目睹了“火球”滑过芬兰上空的情景。目击者称:“‘火球’最初出现在东部边境,最后在俄罗斯卡累利阿地区上空爆炸。” 报道说,科学家称,该“火球”很有可能是一颗遇热发光的陨星,其运行轨迹需要通过精确的计算才可获知。(文/蒋黎黎) |
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