新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 朗文BACKPACK少儿英语 > BACKPACK Song

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/08/26 17:40  朗文backpack少儿英语


  It` s time to open Backpack and see what we can see.

  We` ll have lots of adventures. Explore Backpack with me!

  Backpack is full of fun things we use each day in school.

  Stories, puzzles, songs, and games—Backpack is really cool!

  It` s time to open Backpack and see what we can see.

  We` ll have lots of adventures. Explore Backpack with me!

  Backpack is full of fun and facts, projects and pictures, too.

  We` re learning English, we` re never bored.

  There are great new things to do!

  It` s time to open Backpack and see what we can see.

  We` ll have lots of adventures. Explore Backpack with me!


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