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How to Highlight Your Hair
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/09/23 22:06  《第一英语》杂志


  Liven up your looks by adding some fresh highlights to your hair. Then stuff that horrible warm hat to the back of the closet! To avoid mistakes with store-bought color, follow these guidelines:

  在头发上添加一些亮色可以突出你得面色。准备一些温暖的帽子吧。为了避免带错帽子, 可以参考下面的建议:

  1. Choose your color. Hair colors that work best for Asians are plum or burgundy, ash blond, platinum blond, brown, dark brown, or black. Choose highlight shades described on the box as "ash", "champagne", or "neutral".

  选择自己的颜色。亚洲人最适合的头发颜色是暗紫色或暗红色、淡金色、淡银灰色、棕色、深棕色、或黑色。选择盒子上标明“灰色、香槟色、或中性色” 的帽子。

  2. Choose your style. Full head of highlights or just some natural strands to frame your face (think Jennifer Lopez).


  3. Choose where to put the highlights. The shape of your face can help you determine what kind of highlights will look the best. Here’s how: Just pull back your hair and draw an outline of your face with eyeliner on a mirror. Which shape below does it match most closely?


  Square 方脸

  Soften features by concentrating on highlights all around the head—especially at the jawline.

  Round 圆脸

  Emphasize your sexy big eyes by putting highlights near the forehead and at the crown, stopping at eye level.

  Heart 心型脸

  Comb hair close to your face and cluster highlights around jaw line to widen your chin.

  Oval 橄榄型

  Soften features by concentrating on highlights all around the head—especially at the jawline. Add highlights around the side of your face to make your face seem less long.



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