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Why Australians Love the Beach
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/09/23 23:09  《第一英语》杂志

  Australia is one of the most urbanized countries in the world. Seventy percent of the population lives in the ten largest cities. Because the interior of Australia is one great desert, nearly all Australian cities lie within a few hundred kilometers of the ocean. The coastal living of most Australians has made the country’s athletes hard to beat when it comes to water sports.

  Perhaps because Australians are never far away from the beach, people are regarded as easy-going and relaxed, even in the big cities. If things get tough at work, a stressed-out Sydney businessman may unwind by heading for the surf instead of the local pub. In fact, the beach culture is such big a part of Australian lifestyle that surfing classes have been introduced into high school curricula in some cities as a way to get kids to come to school!

  Australians love the beach, and most young Australians have expert knowledge on many different ways to have fun in the water. There is diving and sailing, basic waterskiing (using two water skis), and slalom waterskiing (where only one ski is used). Wakeboarding is a relatively new sport: a mix between water-skiing and skateboarding. Tube-riding is a leisurely way to have fun; it is nothing more than sitting in a big rubber inner tube and being pulled down river by a boat. For the more adventurous, sky-skiing involves being strapped into a harness attached to a parachute-like sail, and pulled along over the water by boat. Before you try surfing the big ocean waves standing on a surfboard, you might also try knee-boarding (wakeboarding on one’s knees), free-boarding (surfing behind the boat) or barefooting (water-skiing without skis!).

  The beach life influences Australian fashion. Even those rare Aussies who don’t like the water are not afraid to step out in the latest surf and beachwear: board shorts, beach sandals, t-shirts or halter tops. Hats are also very fashionable and necessary too, for protection from the sun. Mambo, Hot Tuna, and Quicksilver are a few of the most sought-after labels.





  澳大利亚的服饰也深受海岸生活的影响。即使那些极少数不喜欢水的澳大利亚人也敢于穿上最新潮的冲浪和海滩装:甲板短裤、沙滩鞋、T恤衫或防护头盔。帽子也很时尚,也是必不可缺的,因为要员受阳光的伤害。Mambo, Hot Tuna, 以及Quicksilver是几个最有名的品牌。



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