Anagrams | 2005/10/27 16:17 《第一英语》杂志 |
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Have more fun with English words! Anagrams are words or phrases that you can rearrange into another word or phrase, using the same letters. Often, the resulting new word will carry a meaning related to the original word. Sounds complicated? It’s easy to understand with this example: 学习英语词语还有更多的乐趣!Anagrams(由颠倒字母顺序而构成的字)是这样一些字词,你可以用同样的字母重新组合成别的字词。通常,得出的新单词与原来的单词在意思上有关联。听起来是不是很复杂?看过下面这个例子就容易理解了: Let’s take the word DORMITORY and rearrange it using the letters D, O, R, M, I, T, O, R and Y. Now, we can form the new phrase DIRTY ROOM. 让我们以DORMITORY这个单词为例,把其中两字母D、O、R、M、I、T、O、R和Y重新排列,这样,我们就得到了一个新词组DIRTY ROOM。 Here’s another try: Break the word LISTEN down into L, I, S, T, E and N, and try to rearrange the letters into a new word. How about S I L E N T? SILENT is an anagram of LISTEN. 再来试一次:将单词LISTEN的字母打散成L、I、S、T、E和N,然后将这些字母重新组成一个新单词。是S I L E N T吗?S I L E N T就是组成LISTEN的字母颠倒顺序后构成的字。 Now, let’s test this concept! Anagram One: What is a possible anagram of the word SCHOOLMASTER? __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Hint: The word starts with a C and describes a place where students take their lessons. 提示:第二个单词以字母C开头,它描述了一个学生们上课的地方。 Anagram Two: What is a possible anagram of the phrase THE EYES? __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Hint: Two separate words. The second word describes something that EYES do. 提示:两个分开的单词。第二个字描述了眼睛的功能。 Anagram Three: What is a possible anagram of the phrase A GENTLEMAN? __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Hint: Two separate words. The last word is MAN and the first word describes how a gentleman looks. 提示:也是两个单词。后一个单词是MAN,前一个单词则是对绅士的描述。 Answers: Anagram One: An anagram of SCHOOLMASTER is CLASSROOM Anagram Two: An anagram of THE EYES is THEY SEE Anagram Three: An anagram of A GENTLEMAN is ELEGANT MAN |
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