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Find the Hidden Animal
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/11/03 17:20  《第一英语》杂志

Find the Hidden Animal

  There is an animal hiding in each sentence below. Can you find the animals? Example: There’s a bee in “I'll be eleven next month.” Hint: You'll have to look in three words to find some of the animals.

  1. We can go at six o'clock.

  2. It's nice to do good deeds.

  3. Take soap and a towel.

  4. Most rich people wear fancy clothes.

  5. You can keep the watch or sell it.

  6. Use a ladder.

  7. It will be a rainy day.

  8. I came late.

  9. Tell me if I should start now.

  10. Will a map help you?


  1. goat

  2. dog

  3. panda

  4. ostrich

  5. horse

  6. seal

  7. bear

  8. camel

  9. fish

  10. llama



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