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Latin and Greek Quiz!
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/11/08 14:47  《第一英语》杂志

  Who says Latin and Greek are ‘dead’ languages? When studying English, it helps to know a little bit of these two ancient languages. Look at the Latin and Greek suffixes below, along with some English words that use them, then try to guess their meanings.


  Suffix  Language of origin   English words

  后缀   源语言   英语单词

  1. -crat   (Greek)   Democrat, autocrat

  2. -phobia  (Greek)   xenophobia

  3. -cide   (Latin)   homicide, suicide

  4. -graph   (Greek)   autograph, photograph

  5. -gress   (Latin)   progress, regress

  6. -phone   (Greek)   telephone, Anglophone

  7. -logue   (Greek)   dialogue, epilogue

  8. -migrate   (Latin)   immigrate

  9. -verge   (Latin)   diverge, converge

  10. -mania   (Greek)   kleptomania

  Meaning 意义

  a. write

  b. power, rule

  c. word

  d. mental disorder

  e. fear

  f. sound, voice

  g. kill

  h. walk, step

  i. move

  j. bend, turn

  Answers: 答案

  1-b 2-e 3-g 4-a 5-h 6-f 7-c 8-i 9-j10-d



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