新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 你认为这个周末会下雨吗

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/03/14 21:29  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Do you think it will rain this weekend?


  A The weather’s not very good this week.

  A 这个周末天气不太好。

  B No, it is very grey and cold. Maybe it will rain.

  B 不好,又阴又冷。可能要下雨。

  A Do you think it will rain this weekend?

  A 你认为这个周末会下雨吗?

  B Perhaps. Why? Are you going somewhere?

  B 也许吧。什么事?你要去哪里吗?

  A Well, I was thinking of going to the Great Wall.

  A 哦,我在考虑去长城。

  B You should be OK. Take an umbrella just in case it rains.

  B 你应该可以去。带把雨伞以防下雨。

  Notes 注释

  1 You can talk about future possibilities such as weather, using Maybe it will . . . / Maybe it will, e.g. Maybe it will rain tomorrow. / Maybe it will rain tomorrow; Maybe it will be cold next week. / Maybe it will be cold next week.

  在谈论将来的可能性,例如关于天气的情况时可以用Maybe it will . . . / 可能会…, 例如: Maybe it will rain tomorrow. / 明天可能会下雨; Maybe it will be cold next week. / 下周天气可能会冷。

  2 You can also use Perhaps / Perhaps instead of Maybe / Maybe, e.g. Perhaps it will rain tomorrow. / Perhaps it will rain tomorrow.

  你也可以用Perhaps / 也许来代替 Maybe / 可能,例如:Perhaps it will rain tomorrow. /明天也许会下雨。

  3 You can use I was thinking of . . . / I was thinking of . . . when you were considering a possibility, e.g. I was thinking of going to the Great Wall this weekend. / I was thinking of going to the Great Wall this weekend.

  但你考虑某个可能性时,可以用I was thinking of . . . /我在考虑…,例如:I was thinking of going to the Great Wall this weekend. / 我在考虑本周末去长城。

  Key phrases and sentences 重要的短语和句子

  The weather’s not very good this week. 这个周末天气不太好。

  No, it is very grey and cold. Maybe it will rain. 不好,又阴又冷。可能要下雨。

  Do you think it will rain this weekend? 你认为这个周末会下雨吗?

  Perhaps. Why? Are you going somewhere? 也许吧。什么事?你要去哪里吗?

  Well. I was thinking of going to the Great Wall. 哦,我在考虑去长城。

  You should be OK. Take an umbrella just in case it rains. 你应该可以去。带把雨伞以防下雨。



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