新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 刮风的时候天冷

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/03/15 22:09  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  It’s cold when it’s windy.


  A Beijing has been really cold this week.

  A 北京这周一直很冷。

  B Yes, it has. And the north wind makes it even colder.

  B 是的,是这样。北风使天更冷。

  A Yes. It’s cold when it’s windy.

  A 是的,刮风的时候天冷。

  B You should wear a warm coat and a hat.

  B 你应该穿暖和的衣服,戴上帽子。

  A I know. Maybe the weather will get better soon.

  A 我知道。也许天气很快会变好。

  B At least the sky is clear and blue.

  B 至少天空是晴朗、蔚蓝的。

  A Yes. But it’s still really cold!

  A 是的,但是天还是太冷了!

  Notes 注释

  1 We use has been / has been and have been / have been when we talk about the time from now to a point in the past, e.g. Beijing has been really cold this week. / Beijing has been really cold this week; I have been in Beijing for one month. / I have been in Beijing for one month.

  当我们谈论从现在起到过去某个时间点之间的情况时,用 has been / 一直是或 have been / 一直是,例如: Beijing has been really cold this week. /北京这周一直很冷; I have been in Beijing for one month. / 我在北京已经一个月了。

  2 If you want to give advice, you can use should / should, e.g. You should wear a warm coat./ You should wear a warm coat; You should take an umbrella. / You should take an umbrella.

  如果你想提出建议,可以用should /应该,例如:You should wear a warm coat. / 你应该穿暖和的衣服; You should take an umbrella. / 你应该带把伞。

  3 Remember Maybe / Maybe or Perhaps / Perhaps for future possibilities, e.g. Maybe the weather will get better soon. / Maybe the weather will get better soon.

  记住Maybe / 可能 或者 Perhaps /也许是用来表示将来的可能性,例如:Maybe the weather will get better soon. / 也许天气很快就能变好。

  Key phrases and sentences 重要的短语和句子

  Beijing has been really cold this week. 北京这周一直很冷。

  Yes, it has. And the north wind makes it even colder. 是的,是这样。北风使天更冷。

  Yes. It’s cold when it’s windy.You should wear a warm coat and a hat. 是的,刮风的时候天冷。你应该穿暖和的衣服,戴上帽子。

  I know. Maybe the weather will get better soon. At least the sky is clear and blue. 我知道。也许天气很快会变好。至少天空是晴朗、蔚蓝的。

  Yes. But it’s still really cold! 是的,但是天还是太冷了!



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