新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 别着急。不会有问题

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/07/27 18:43  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Don’t worry. Everything will be OK.


  A I’ve got to rush!

  A 我得赶快了!

  B Why? What’s the problem?

  B 哦?怎么了?

  A I’ve got to meet my friend. I said I would meet him at the concert at 7. And it’s 6.45 now!

  A 我要去见一个朋友。我说我7点在音乐会上跟他见面。现在已经6点45了!

  B Well, go and catch a taxi quickly. You’ll get there in 15 minutes.

  B 喔,快去打辆出租车。你15分钟内会赶到那里的。

  A I hope I’m not late. I’d better hurry.

  A 我希望不要迟到。我最好赶紧的了!

  B Don’t worry. Everything will be OK.

  B 别着急。不会有问题。

  Notes 注释

  1 If you are in a hurry, you can say: I’ve got to rush / I’ve got to rush (or I must hurry / I must hurry). Remember also rush hour / rush hour.

  如果你很着急,你可以说:I’ve got to rush /我得赶快了!(或者I must hurry /我必须赶紧的)。也请记住rush hour /交通高峰时刻。

  2 Remember that you can also advise or suggest by using the direct imperative form of the verb, eg Go and catch a taxi quickly / Go and catch a taxi quickly.

  记住你还可以用动词的祈使形式提出建议或者劝告,例如:Go and catch a taxi quickly /快去打辆出租车。

  3 I’d better . . . / I’d better . . . means the same as I should . . . / I should . . . eg: I’d better hurry / I’d better hurry: I should go now / I should go now.

  I’d better . . . / 我最好 . . .和I should . . . / 我应该 . . .的意思是一样的。例如:I’d better hurry / 我最好赶紧的。: I should go now /我现在应该走了。

Key phrases and sentences


I’ve got to rush!

Why?  What’s the problem?

I’ve got to meet my friend. 

I said I would meet him at the concert at 7.  And it’s 6.45 now!

Well, go and catch a taxi quickly. 

You’ll get there in 15 minutes.

I hope I’m not late.  I’d better hurry.

Don’t worry.  Everything will beO K. 
















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