新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 一直沿长安大街走到头

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/25 20:35  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Go all the way along Chang’ an Avenue.


  A Let’s meet tomorrow at the Starbucks near the World Trade Center.

  A 咱们明天在世界贸易中心附近的星巴克见面。

  B How do I find that?

  B 我怎么才能找到世界贸易中心?

  A Head east and go all the way along Chang’ an Avenue, at the end the World Trade Center is on your left.

  A 向东沿着长安大街一直走到头,世界贸易中心就在你的左边。

  B OK, on my left at the end of Chang’ an Avenue. I’ve got that. Then what?

  B 好,在长安大街尽头,我的左侧。我明白了。然后呢?

  A Well, you’ll see the World Trade Center – it’s the really tall building on your left. The Starbucks is at ground floor level, near the entrance to the building.

  A 哦,你将看到世界贸易中心——在你左侧非常高的大厦。星巴克在一楼,在大厦的入口附近。

  B OK, that sounds easy. See you there tomorrow morning.

  B 好,听起来很容易。明天上午在那里见面。

  Notes 注释

  1 You can use the verb Head / Head, to tell someone to go in a specific direction, e.g. Head east along Chang’ an Avenue / Head east along Chang’ an Avenue.

  你可以用动词Head /向...走来告诉某人朝某个具体的方向走。例如Head east along Chang’ an Avenue /沿着长安街向东走。

  2 Sometimes when you understand directions or instructions, you can say I’ve got that / I’ve got that (I understand that / I understand that)

  有时当你明白了别人的指引或者指示时,你可以说I’ve got that / 我明白了 (I understand that /我明白了)

  3 Again, it is always good to be as exact as possible, e.g.: The Starbucks is at ground floor level, near the entrance to the building / The Starbucks is at ground floor level, near the entrance to the building.

  再说一次,在指路时总是越确切越好。例如:The Starbucks is at ground floor level, near the entrance to the building /星巴克在一楼,在大厦的入口附近。

  4 Notice the different spellings of centre (British) and center (US) e.g.: The World Trade Center / The World Trade Center

  注意centre (英式英语) 和 center (美式英语)在拼写上的差别。例如:The World Trade Center /世界贸易中心。

Key phrases and sentences


Let’s meet tomorrow at the Starbucks near the World Trade Center.

How do I find that?

Head east and go all the way along

Chang’ an Avenue, at the end the World Trade Center is on your left.

OK, on my left at the end of Chang’ an Avenue. 

I’ve got that.  Then what?

Well, you’ll see the World Trade Center

– it’s the really tall building on your left. 

The Starbucks is at ground floor level, near the entrance to the building.

OK, that sounds easy. 

See you there tomorrow morning.



















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