新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 在市中心的北部

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/26 22:11  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  It’s north of the city centre.


  A Where is the new Olympic Stadium being built?

  A 新的奥林匹克露天体育场建在哪里?

  B It’s north of the city centre. It’s a whole new area, especially for the Olympics.

  B 在市中心的北部。那是一个新区,专为奥运会准备的。

  A I’d like to go and see it. I’ve seen pictures of the new stadium – it looks fantastic.

  A 我想去看看。我已经看过了这座新体育场的一些照片——看起来非常漂亮。

  B It’s not just the stadium – it’s the main centre for the Olympics, with lots of other things there too.

  B 它不仅是体育场——还是奥运会的主会场,那里还有很多其他的建筑设施。

  A Yes, I know. The swimming centre is there.

  A 是的,我知道。游泳中心在那里。

  B The Olympics will be all over Beijing – north, south, east and west – but the main centre is in the north.

  B 奥运会场将遍及全北京——北、南、东和西——但是主会场在北部。

  Notes 注释

  1 You can also talk about directions by using north / north; south / south; east / east; west / west , e.g.: The Olympic Stadium is north of the city centre / The Olympic Stadium is north of the city centre.

  你还可以用north / 北; south / 南;east / 东; west /西来谈论方向。例如:The Olympic Stadium is north of the city centre /奥林匹克体育场在市中心的北部。

  2 Remember all over . . . / all over . . . to describe a sense that something is everywhere, e.g. The Olympics will be all over Beijing / The Olympics will be all over Beijing.

  记住all over . . . / 遍布 . . .是用来描述某物到处都有的感觉。例如:The Olympics will be all over Beijing /奥运会场将遍及全北京。

Key phrases and sentences


Where is the new Olympic Stadium

being built?

It’s north of the city centre. 

It’s a whole new area, especially for the Olympics.

I’d like to go and see it. 

I’ve seen pictures of the new stadium – it looks fantastic.

It’s not just the stadium – it’s the main centre for the Olympics, with lots of other things there too.

Yes, I know.  The swimming centre is there.

The Olympics will be all over Beijing – north, south, east and west – but the main centre is in the north.

















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