上三环路 | ||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/27 17:50 北京市民讲外语活动组委会 | ||
Get on the Third Ring Road. 上三环路。 A What’s the best way to go there and see the Olympic site? A 去看奥运会址的最好方式是什么? B If you drive, get on the Third Ring Road and head north. B 如果你开车,就上三环路然后向北。 A And then I should find it easily? A 然后我就应该很容易找到它吗? B Yes, keep driving and just follow the signs. It won’t be difficult. B 是的,一直按着指示牌向前开。不会很难。 A But remember, there will be Olympic events all over the city. The football will be at the Worker’s Stadium, for instance. A 但是别忘了,北京各处都将举行奥运比赛。例如,足球赛将在工人体育场举行。 B I can’t wait for it to start. Beijing is going to be so exciting during the Olympics. B 我都等不及奥运会的召开了。奥运会期间北京将是一片欢腾的景象。 Notes 注释 1 Remember clear and simple instructions when you give directions, e.g.: Get on the Third Ring Road / Get on the Third Ring Road; Head north / Head north; Keep driving / Keep driving; Follow the signs / Follow the signs. 记住当你为别人指路时使用的清晰、简短的指示语。例如:Get on the Third Ring Road /上三环路; Head north / 向北走; Keep driving / 一直朝前开; Follow the signs /按着交通指示牌走。 2 To say something will be easy, you can also say: It won’t be difficult / It won’t be difficult. 要说某事很容易,你还可以说:It won’t be difficult /不会很难。 3 Remember also the way you can express excitement and anticipation: I can’t wait for it to start / I can’t wait for it to start; I can’t wait for the weekend / I can’t wait for the weekend. 也请记住表达激动和期待心情的用语:I can’t wait for it to start / 我等不及它的召开; I can’t wait for the weekend /我等不及周末的到来。
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