新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 上三环路

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/27 17:50  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Get on the Third Ring Road.


  A What’s the best way to go there and see the Olympic site?

  A 去看奥运会址的最好方式是什么?

  B If you drive, get on the Third Ring Road and head north.

  B 如果你开车,就上三环路然后向北。

  A And then I should find it easily?

  A 然后我就应该很容易找到它吗?

  B Yes, keep driving and just follow the signs. It won’t be difficult.

  B 是的,一直按着指示牌向前开。不会很难。

  A But remember, there will be Olympic events all over the city. The football will be at the Worker’s Stadium, for instance.

  A 但是别忘了,北京各处都将举行奥运比赛。例如,足球赛将在工人体育场举行。

  B I can’t wait for it to start. Beijing is going to be so exciting during the Olympics.

  B 我都等不及奥运会的召开了。奥运会期间北京将是一片欢腾的景象。

  Notes 注释

  1 Remember clear and simple instructions when you give directions, e.g.: Get on the Third Ring Road / Get on the Third Ring Road; Head north / Head north; Keep driving / Keep driving; Follow the signs / Follow the signs.

  记住当你为别人指路时使用的清晰、简短的指示语。例如:Get on the Third Ring Road /上三环路; Head north / 向北走; Keep driving / 一直朝前开; Follow the signs /按着交通指示牌走。

  2 To say something will be easy, you can also say: It won’t be difficult / It won’t be difficult.

  要说某事很容易,你还可以说:It won’t be difficult /不会很难。

  3 Remember also the way you can express excitement and anticipation: I can’t wait for it to start / I can’t wait for it to start; I can’t wait for the weekend / I can’t wait for the weekend.

  也请记住表达激动和期待心情的用语:I can’t wait for it to start / 我等不及它的召开; I can’t wait for the weekend /我等不及周末的到来。

Key phrases and sentences


What’s the best way to go there and see the Olympic site?

If you drive, get on the Third Ring Road and head north.

And then I should find it easily?

Yes, keep driving and just follow the signs. 

It won’t be difficult.

But remember, there will be Olympic events all over the city. 

The football will be at the Worker’s Stadium, for instance.

I can’t wait for it to start. 

Beijing is going to be so exciting during the Olympics.















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