新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 我在房里能用宽带吗

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/28 10:11  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Can I get broadband in my room?


  A Excuse me, can you help me please?

  A 劳驾,请问你能帮我个忙吗?

  B Yes, what can I do for you?

  B 是的,您需要什么?

  A Can I get broadband in my room?

  A 我在房间里能使用宽带吗?

  B Yes, if you have a laptop, just connect to the hotel internet service. All rooms have broadband.

  B 是的,如果你有笔记本电脑的话,把它和旅馆的互联网系统连接上就可以了。所有的房间都有宽带。

  A That’s great. Thanks. How about elsewhere in the hotel? Do you have broadband access in the coffee lounge, for instance? Can I work with my laptop there?

  A 太好了。谢谢。在旅馆的其他地方呢?比如说在咖啡厅也能用宽带上网吗?我能在那里办公吗?

  B I’m afraid not. We only have broadband access in the hotel guest rooms and Business Centre.

  B 恐怕不行。我们只在客房与商务中心内设有宽带接口。


  1 Remember the use of can / can in questions, especially enquiries, e.g.: Can you help me please? / Can you help me please?; What can I do for you? / What can I do for you?

  记住can /能在问句中的使用方法,尤其是当询问别人的时候。例如:Can you help me please? /你能帮忙吗? ; What can I do for you? /您需要什么?/我能为您作什么?

  2 If you are asking whether a place has broadband, you can ask simply: Do you have broadband? / Do you have broadband? or you can ask: Do you have broadband access? / Do you have broadband access?

  如果你在问某地是否设有宽带,你可以简单地问:Do you have broadband? / 你们有宽带吗? 或者你可以问: Do you have broadband access? /你们有宽带接口吗?

  3 Elsewhere / elsewhere means any where else. You can ask How about elsewhere in the hotel? / How about elsewhere in the hotel? or How about any where else in the hotel?

  Elsewhere /其他地方意思是其他任何地方。你可以问How about elsewhere in the hotel? /旅馆的其他地方怎么样? 或者How about any where else in the hotel?

Key phrases and sentences


Excuse me, can you help me please?

Yes, what can I do for you?

Can I get broadband in my room?

Yes, if you have a laptop, just connect

to the hotel internet service. 

All rooms have broadband.

That’s great.  Thanks. 

How about elsewhere in the hotel? 

Do you have broadband access in the

coffee lounge, for instance?

Can I work with my laptop there?

I’m afraid not. 

We only have broadband access in the

hotel guest rooms and Business Centre.















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