
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:23   新浪教育


  The Book and its Cover

  Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman. I am Sara, who used to have black, dead straight hair but had it premed and dyed in January. When I went home for the Chinese New Year, I knew that my look would give my parents a not-very-happy surprise. They are rather old-fashioned in some ways, and they have this idea that young people with dyed hair, tattoos or rings on their bodies are to be worried about. And they were worried about me.

  I tried to convince my parents that it was quite alright. Many of my friends have had their hair styles changed, but they still remain kind and decent as ever. It’s just hair and appearance. My persuasion was not successful. My mother still thinks a good girl, an ideal daughter, should be simple and natural, meaning no makeup, no eye-catching outfits, in a word, nothing unconventional.

  If only my mother could remember what it was like being a 20-year-old. In that way she would be able to understand me. I only changed my hair because I am young and curious. I want to try new things. I have had straight, black hair for the last 20 years. I was longing for a change. But inside, I’m still the girl that she has known all along, merely more independent and mature. While she was thinking, “will the boys be scared away by my little girl’s red curly hair? ”, I was thinking, “I only live once. Some things are better done when you feel like doing them.”

  Actually, I feel that, in all my life, I’ve never been so sure of myself. Living away from the protection of parents, I am growing up in a rapid speed. I understand more about life and love, and am more confident and courageous than ever. The fact is it’s just the cover of the book that is different. The content remains fresh as ever, updating itself by filtering in new contents every day. You need to read me to find out who I really am, so please don’t judge me by my cover.







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