
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月14日 10:35   新浪教育

Taser's C2 stun gun was designed to look less ominous than a gun.

The weapon looks more like a ladies' electric shaver than a weapon

  When you go for a walk in the city, what do you take with you?


  An Arizona company thinks you take your mobile phone and your portable music player. For people concerned about safety--women in particular--Taser International has come up with a hand-held electric weapon with a built-in MP3 player. Now, that's multitasking! What's more, the Taser C2 comes in strong colors and designs, like bright red and animal prints. Having a way to protect yourself and a music player in one means that your hands are freer to confront an attacker, should you need to. "It's one more reason why you might be carrying the Taser C2 when you're out and about," Taser International's Steve Tuttle told The Age.



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