2008年10月16日 09:43 新浪教育
2 shrimp 大约八百年前,shrimp这个字首先是用来指那些个子矮小的人,后来人们才把虾称为shrimp。现在人们还是经常叫个子矮小的人为shrimp。 例如: Basketball is a game for tall people. But once in a while a player like Mugsy Bogues comes along. Mugsy is a real shrimp--only 1.6 meters tall. But he's so quick and clever he can play on equal terms with all those giants. 篮球是适合个子高的人打的球。可是偶然也会出现像马格西博格这样个子矮小的球员。马格西博格体格实在是矮小,身高只有一米六。但是他机智灵活,和那些个子高大的球员一样地打球。 又如: The great French leader Napoleon was shorter than everybody around him,so you'd have to call him a little shrimp. But for a shrimp,he certainly made the rest of Europe tremble. 法国伟大的领导人拿破仑比他周围的人都矮,所以你可以说他像只小虾。但是作为一只小虾,他却震憾了整个欧洲。
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