女儿评论奥巴马 并不时髦(图)http://www.sina.com.cn
2008年11月07日 15:10 新浪教育
Obama a fashion icon? Hardly, say his daughters In an interview with entertainment channel Access Hollywood, Malia, aged 10, and Sasha, seven, laugh at the idea that their father has become a fashion pin-up, pointing to his 10-year old trousers, his worn-out shoes and "that belt". 在接受美国娱乐节目“通向好莱坞”的采访时,奥巴马的两个女儿,现年10岁的马莉娅和现年7岁的萨莎,对父亲被视为时尚风向标感到“好笑”。她们说,父亲的一条裤子穿了10年,现在穿的鞋和皮带也都已经有些穿坏了。 Malia then relates a recent shopping trip when he bought "three pairs of black pants and the same jacket in green, brown and black". 马莉娅随后谈起奥巴马最近一次购物之旅,说父亲买了“三条黑裤子,而相同样式的夹克衫他绿色、棕色和黑色各买了一件。” Mr Obama tells viewers he is "baffled by this whole thing myself, because I hate to shop". 奥巴马表示,被当成引领时尚潮流的人物让他感到困惑,因为自己讨厌上街购物。
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