

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年11月07日 15:10   新浪教育

  Michelle Obama: First Lady of Fashion

  Recently, a fund-raiser held in Michelle Obama's honor attended by a giant fashion crowd. Tickets to the cocktail reception cost $1,000 to $2,300, and tickets to the dinner following at Calvin Klein's house cost $10,000. Normally such events allow reporters and famous people who draw the reporters in for free. But Michelle's fund-raiser, it seems, was so exclusive everyone had to pay to attend. They were all "pumped" to meet her--even though the room was uncomfortably warm--and she dazzled with charm and a chic Isabela Toledo gown and Tom Binns necklace she picked out herself.

  最近,米歇尔·奥巴马举行的一次募资晚宴令时尚界人士蜂拥而至。鸡尾酒会的票价是1000 至2300美元,之后在Calvin Klein 宅邸举行的晚宴票价更是高达10000 美元。类似的活动通常都向媒体人士和各界明星免费开放,但是奥巴马夫人的晚宴的每一位客人都必须掏钱买票。即使房间里由于人太多而变得异常闷热,这些时尚界人士还是争相去见奥巴马夫人。米歇尔?奥巴马当晚穿戴起自己挑选的Isabela Toledo礼服和Tom Binns项链,表现得魔力四射。

  Francisco Costa called her a "star"; Behnaz Sarafpour said she had never seen a couple like the Obamas in politics in her lifetime and called Michelle's style "refreshing." Nicole Miller was struck by her height and called her "pretty fabulous," "gracious," and "very intelligent."

  Francisco Costa夸她是“明星”。Behnaz Sarafpour表示,自己从未见过像奥巴马夫妇这样的政界伉俪,她认为米歇尔·奥巴马的穿衣风格“让人倍感新鲜”。Nicole Miller则为她的高挑身材而倾倒,并说她“亲切、迷人又聪明。”

  But the most delicious part about the whole thing? The next day when Michelle went on The View she wore a black-and-white dress from White House Black Market. After that, women started pouring into the retail chain's stores, clamoring for the $148 dress.

  而整个事情最有趣的环节是什么呢?第二天,米歇尔参加电视节目The View 时穿的是一条购自服装零售商White House Black Market的黑白花裙子。这条售价148 美元的裙子旋即被妇女们一抢而空。

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