2009年01月04日 10:55 新浪教育
If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free, if our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed. —— Edmund Burke 如果我们能支配我们的财富,我们就会变得富裕而自由;如财富支配了我们,我们就会变得贫穷。 ——E·伯克 If you get simple beauty and nought else, you get about the best things God invents. —— Robert Browning 只要你拥有纯真的美,你就拥有了上帝创造的最好的东西。 ——罗伯特·布朗宁 "Beauty is truth, truth beauty," ----that is all we know on earth, and all we need to know. —— John Keats “美就是真,真就是美。”——这就是我们在人间知道和应该知道的一切。 ——约翰·济慈 Ideals are like stars --- we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them. —— C. Schurz 人之需要理想,犹如水手之需要星辰;星辰虽不可及,但可以指引我们的航程。 —— 舒尔茨 This communicating of a man's self to his friend works two contrary effects, for it redoubleth joys, and cutteth grief in half. —— Francis Bacon 朋友之间的交往产生两种截然相反的结果:一份快乐两人分享,能成为双份的快乐;一份痛苦二人分担,就会只剩下一半痛苦。 ——弗朗西斯·培根 The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest men of past centuries. —— Rene Descartes 读好书,如同与先哲们交谈。 ——笛卡尔 New love is brightest, and long love is greatest; but revived love is the tenderest thing known upon earth. —— Thomas Hardy 新生的爱情绚丽多彩,长久的爱情崇高伟大;但复苏的爱情则是世界上最温柔的事情。 ——托马斯·哈代 Let the dead have the immortality of fame, but the living the immortality of love. —— Tagore 让逝者拥有不朽的荣誉,让生者拥有不朽的爱情。 ——泰戈尔 On the great clock of time there is but one word, "now". —— William Shakespeare 伟大的时钟上,只有一个词:“现在”。 ——莎士比亚 The language of friendship is not words but meanings. —— Henry D. Thoreau 友谊的语言不是词句,而是意义。 ——H·D·梭罗 All great truths are obvious truths. But no all obvcious truths are great truths. —— A. Huxley 伟大的真理都是明摆着的事实,但并不是所有显而易见的事实都是伟大的真理。 ——A·赫胥黎
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