
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年02月11日 14:37   沪江英语
Ted & The Mother——How I Met Your MotherJosh Radnor and ?
Ted & The Mother——How I Met Your MotherJosh Radnor and ?

  《老爸老妈浪漫史》里的Ted&“The Mother”传说中的Ted老爸和不知道现在有没有生出来的未来“老妈”,这大概是最没谱的一对了。有本事编剧你就让新娘进教堂时也蒙着面纱! 好好的爱情剧变成了老爹的床前故事(Ted唱:“漂亮的让我面红的可爱女人温柔的让我心疼的可爱女人”),好不容易卡死(cast)阵容出现个新人,结果不过是路人甲。某兔唱:“别等到一千年以后,世界早已没有我,然后这个剧还没完。

  Ted & The Mother——How I Met Your MotherJosh Radnor and ?

  As a framing device, having Ted describe to his children how he, well, met their mother, is cute and effective.But now, after 5 seasons, this is turning into the longest bedtimestory of all time. It seemed like we were finally making some progresswhen Rachel Bilson showed up as a guest star, but nope, turns out she'smerely the roommate of his future wife. This is one mystery that'sready to be resolved。

Olivia & Peter——Fringe(Anna Torv and Joshua Jackson)
Olivia & Peter——Fringe(Anna Torv and Joshua Jackson)

  《危机边缘》里的Olivia & Peter 高智商万金油和美貌精干FBI的组合,纵然这部科幻剧中空间变幻,真相莫测,但咱不是还有两颗沉甸甸热乎乎的真心不是?只要彼此确定心意,哪里都是天堂。

  Olivia & Peter——Fringe(Anna Torv and Joshua Jackson)

  Nothing is as it seems in this cult series, which explores alternate realities and multiple dimensions. But how about a good old-fashioned love story between the charismatic leads — although only if it's done very carefully。

Sookie & Eric——True Blood(Anna Paquin and Alexander Skarsgard)
Sookie & Eric——True Blood(Anna Paquin and Alexander Skarsgard)

  《真爱如血》里的 Sookie & Eric


  Sookie & Eric——True Blood(Anna Paquin and Alexander Skarsgard)

  This may be sacrilege to all those on Team Bill, but Sookie and Eric simply have too muchsexual tension for this to drag on much longer. (Although this whole werewolf thing has us intrigued, too。)

Tony DiNozzo & Ziva David——NCIS(Michael Weatherly and Cote de Pablo)
Tony DiNozzo & Ziva David——NCIS(Michael Weatherly and Cote de Pablo)



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