
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年02月11日 14:37   沪江英语

  这十对可是当今眼下最让大家着急,最磨人,最最纠结的。.(最后一对除外..。.吧)。最长的居然纠结了五季啊五季,真是恨不得通通轰到教堂去集体婚礼,一起说出那三个字;“Yes, I do”。

Brennan & Booth——Bones(Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz)
Brennan & Booth——Bones(Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz)


  Brennan & Booth——Bones(Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz)

  Sorry, but hallucination sex DOES NOT COUNT. After five seasons of blazing hot will-they-or-won't-they tension, fans finally got to see Booth and Bones together in last season's finale. Alas, it turned out to be one big mind-trip caused by Booth's brain tumor. Now he realizes he loves her, but he's holding back because…um…no reason, really。

House &Cuddy——House(Hugh Laurie and Lisa Edelstein)
House &Cuddy——House(Hugh Laurie and Lisa Edelstein)


  House &Cuddy——House(Hugh Laurie and Lisa Edelstein)

  Again with imaginary sex? Seriously, did the writers on these two Foxdramas compare notes? In the season 5 finale — after months of hype about a ''Huddy'' hookup — House learns that what he thought was a sexyromp with his longtime nemesis/bestie was actually just a drug-fueled hallucination。

 Chuck & Sarah——Chuck(Zachary Levi and Yvonne Strahovski)
Chuck & Sarah——Chuck(Zachary Levi and Yvonne Strahovski)

  《超市特工》里的 Chuck & Sarah


  Chuck & Sarah——Chuck(Zachary Levi and Yvonne Strahovski)

  America's favorite super-geek turned super-spy spent two-plus seasons mooning after Sarah, his hottie handler from the C.I.A. Now she realizes she has feelings for him, too. Butthey still won't get together — or even talk about their barely concealed affection for one another? Why? As sexy Sarah (take that, Palin!) saidin the two-part season premiere, ''You're a spy now, Chuck; you have to keep your emotions to yourself.'' Is this some new ''Don't ask, don't tell'' policy?

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