
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年02月11日 14:37   沪江英语

  Tony DiNozzo & Ziva David——NCIS(Michael Weatherly and Cote de Pablo)

  They've been sparring — literally and figuratively — since 2005, and the chemistry is undeniable. But we've never seen more than as mooch. That's fine by Weatherly, who told EW.com last year that a romantic relationship between the two would be like ''Kryptonite.''

Beckett& Castle——Castle(Stana Katic and Nathan Fillion)
Beckett& Castle——Castle(Stana Katic and Nathan Fillion)

  《灵书妙探》中的 Beckett & Castle


  Beckett& Castle——Castle(Stana Katic and Nathan Fillion)

  They're both single and sexy — and spend way too many hours at thepolice station. Why not get together? Other than fear of the Moonlighting curse, of course。

Daniel & Betty——Ugly Betty(Eric Mabius and America Ferrara)
Daniel & Betty——Ugly Betty(Eric Mabius and America Ferrara)

  《丑女贝蒂》里的Daniel & Betty某兔提问:俊男丑女图什么?不就是那颗金子般的心么~不过有黑心编剧棒打鸳鸯,不顾尖叫粉丝执意要拆散这对梦幻般的组合。话说某兔劝这位黄世仁一句:生活中少见,看个电视也别太认真,就让小姑娘做做梦不好么?

  Daniel & Betty——Ugly Betty(Eric Mabius and America Ferrara)

  Detty fans have been screaming for a Daniel/Betty hookup since the show launched in 2006, and producers have been toying with the idea — especially lately. But it's enraging those who think the characters should remain ''just friends.'' As one EW.com commenter said: ''This idea is about as appealing as a brother and sister making out.''

Simon Cowell & Ryan Seacrest——American Idol
Simon Cowell & Ryan Seacrest——American Idol

  《美国偶像》里的Simon和Ryan那个……就当咱是在逗你玩儿。不过话说七年的情分,《美国偶像》里的这俩动不动就你好我好大家好相互吹捧,吵个小嘴儿,闹个小别扭啥的,也忒同志般的情谊了点儿吧。趁 Simon同学今年春季档最后一次当评委,要不就来个“我和你吻别”行不?

  Simon Cowell & Ryan Seacrest——American Idol

  We're kidding. Sorta. But after enduring seven years of their cringe-worthy gay themed banter, here's hoping they share at least a goodbye peck when Simon wraps his final show this spring。

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