1. That's horrible. 太可怕了。 2. Irene was always a slave to a good bargain. Irene是不折不扣的廉价控。 3. Why do you hate us? 我们跟你有仇吗 4. I've prepared a number of topics that should appeal to both the advanced and novice conversationalists. 我已备好若干话题,既能吸引高手侃侃而谈,又能迎合菜鸟的口味爱好。 5. And converse. 现在开聊。 6. Totally. 太对了。 7. Hey, Amy, what brings you to our neck of the woods? Amy什么风把你吹我们地头上来了? 8. And change the subject? 再换个别的话题? 9. Stand back... 翘首以待吧…… 10. This time, it's your fault. 这回是你惹的祸。 11. That's cool, that's cool. 很好,非常好。 12. Why are they asking me about this stuff? 这种事情干吗要来问我? 13. I'm a little distracted. 我有点心烦意乱。 14. You know, Leonard, in your own simple way,you may be the wisest of us all. Leonard 就小聪明方面而言,你算是我们这群人中最灵光的了。 15. I'm single, I don't need this crap. 哥现在单身 不用操心这种麻烦事。 16. I wanted to be alone. 我想一个人呆着。 17. And keep in mind that "No" Is a perfectly viable answer. 切记“不想”是一个绝对可行的答案。 18. Sheldon, my world is crumbling around me. Sheldon 我的世界正在崩塌。 19. Nothing matters. 我什么都不在乎。 20. uh, word on the street is a bobcat has been spotted. 呃,放心,已经辟谣了。 21. I guess I was fooling myself. 看来只是我自欺欺人。 22. Always. 一贯如此。 23. Get your women in line! 管好你们的女人! 24. and she's just getting a little crazy with it. 她简直有点兴奋过头了。 25. I'm usually pretty good at not blabbing. 平常我的嘴巴都很严的。 26. They are a handful. 她们真是难搞。 27. Grow up. 别这么幼稚。 28. I got a knife slicing through my frontal lobe, too. 我的大脑前也像有刀在割一样。 29. What do you want? 你想怎样? 30. If it's okay with you, we'd like a second chance to make things right. 如果可以的话 希望你再给我们一次机会来弥补我们的错误。 网友评论