英国ITV 新剧《极品基老伴》Vicious 日前备受关注,讲述一对共同生活48年的同志老伴儿遛狗读报看帅哥、床头吵架床尾和的夕阳红生活。两位主演都是已公开出柜的英国老戏骨,毒舌拌嘴、搞笑卖萌演绎地道英式幽默。
这部同志题材喜剧两位托尼奖得主伊安·麦克莱恩(Gandalf 甘道夫扮演者)和德里克·雅各比主演,伊安·麦克莱恩是《魔戒》和《霍比特人》等电影中Gandalf 甘道夫的扮演者,德里克·雅各比则出演过奥斯卡获奖电影《国王的演讲》King's Speech,这次也是两位英国老戏骨首次合作。
剧集剧本由Gary Janetti操刀,他曾是美国经典喜剧《威尔与格蕾丝》Will and Grace 和著名动画片《恶搞之家》Family Guy 的编剧和幕后执行制片人。
Vicious tells the story of ageing partners, Freddie and Stuart, two men who have lived together in a small Covent Garden flat for nearly 50 years。
Freddie was a budding actor and Stuart a barman when theyfirst met but their careers are now pretty much over and their lives nowconsist of reading books, walking their dog and bickering。
Their lives are turned upside down by their new upstairs neighbor Ash, who is sure to cause trouble in their mundane lives.
Stuart: She was very distraught. 斯图尔特:她(指斯图尔特的妈妈)心情很不好。
Freddie: Why? Did you finally tell her about us?弗雷迪:怎么,你终于跟她说咱俩的事了吗?
Stuart: I'm waiting for the right time。斯图尔特:我还在等待时机。
Freddie: It’s been 48 years. 斯图尔特:都等了48年了!