A Russian soldier has cheated death after footage emerged of him having a bullet removed from his forehead with a pair of pliers. 一段视频显示,一名士兵在同伴用一把老虎钳将子弹从其额头取出后死里逃生。
The soldier, who has been dubbed the Russian ‘Terminator’, was reportedly caught in AK-47 crossfire between Russian and Chechen militants. 这名无畏的士兵被称为是俄罗斯版“终结者”,据报道,他在俄罗斯和车臣武装分子交火时被AK-47突击步枪击中。
In the video, the man seems undaunted by what is happening, and remains calm as the procedure take place。在视频中,这个男人对发生的事表现的很无畏,并在整个取子弹的过程中保持冷静。
A friend is seen forcibly removing the bullet without any medical equipment。他的战友用力的取出了子弹头,没有使用任何医疗器械。
He is seen cleaning the area before removing it with a pair of ordinary pliers. It takes a few minutes to complete the procedure, as the bullet remains firmly lodged。视频显示,在子弹在被普通老虎钳拔出之前,同伴还清理了伤口周围的区域。由于子弹嵌得很结实,整个过程用了好几分钟。
The man attempts to remove it a few times, before he is successful, as he looks for a comfortable way to do it。他试了好几次才最终成功地将子弹取出,他好像是在找一个更轻松的方式。
The soldier inspects the wound with his hand after the bullet has been removed。当子弹被拔出后,该士兵还用手去摸伤口。
Then the soldier smiles for the camera, relieved that the bullet has been removed。然后士兵对着镜头微笑,为子弹被取出而轻松起来。
The clip, which is believed to have been filmed during the war in Chechnya in 2000, has become a viral hit。据悉这段视频于2000年车臣战争期间的拍摄,现在已成为热点视频。
The brave man has been compared to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character, The Terminator, due to his calm, unemotional approach。由于他冷静、镇定的做法,这个勇敢的男人已经被人们拿来与阿诺德-施瓦辛格扮演的终结者相比。