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2013年05月17日15:53  沪江英语 微博   

  Three Chinese women reportedly missing were found dead in Russia's southern Siberian republic of Khakassia, local media reported Thursday。根据当地媒体周四报道,三名失踪中国女性在俄南西伯利亚的哈卡斯共和国被发现已死亡。

  The police found three charred bodies near a village in the republic late Wednesday soon after a Chinese woman reported that her three female compatriots went missing。在一名中国女性报案称自己的三名女性同胞失踪后,警察周三下午在一个村庄附近发现3具被烧焦的尸体。

  A preliminary investigation showed that the bodies were the three missing women in their 40s and 50s。初步调查显示,三具尸体确实为失踪的40到50岁女性。

  The three women aged 43, 45 and 50, respectively, were working for a greenhouse growing vegetables and fruits, according to the initial investigation of the local police。当地警察经初步调查称这三名女性分别为43,45岁以及50岁,她们都在当地一家温室大棚工作,种植蔬菜和水果。

  It is said the three women had collected the sacrifices of food at the local graveyard after the deceased’s relatives and friends left on May 14 which was an annual date for the local people to remember the dead. And three unidentified men kidnapped and packed them into a white car and drove away.5月14日为当地祭祀去世亲人的日子,据称在亲友祭祀完后,这三名女性在墓地里收集那些留下的祭祀食物,三名身份不明者将她们绑架塞进一辆白色轿车后驶离。

  The police have targeted three suspects who were all born in the 1990s. Some analysts say the Khakas is one of the ethnic minorities in the Russian Federation and people are prohibited from eating the food offering in their customs. The three Chinese may be killed for this reason。警方已锁定三名90后嫌犯。一些分析人士称哈卡斯人是俄联邦中的一个少数民族,根据当地习俗,墓地供品严禁食用,这三名中国人可能是因为这个原因而遇害。

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