
2013年06月09日11:56  沪江英语 微博   
splendid catfro splendid catfro
latest catfro latest catfro
black catfro black catfro
delighting catfro delighting catfro
magnificent catfro magnificent catfro
relaxing catfro relaxing catfro
Russian catfro Russian catfro

  After cat beards, in which people hold cats around their chins to look like fluffy beards, the new internet craze is 'catfros'。前段时间网上流行一种喵星胡子——主人将自己家的喵星人围在下巴那儿,看上去就像毛茸茸的大胡子。而最新的网络热潮是喵星假发。

  Unfortunately for the hapless moggy, this means being plonked on top of your owner's head to resemble an afro, while someone takes your picture。这对猫咪来说是个不幸的消息,这意味着要被围在主人的脑袋顶儿,模仿出一个圆蓬蓬的爆炸头,更糟的是还有人给你拍了下来。

  And while the humans involved obviously find it hilarious, as these pictures show, the cats are not so sure。然而在人们觉得这样的照片很搞笑的同时,照片里的那些喵星人看起来可并不开心啊。

  With cat owners rushing to post their catfro pictures on the net, the resulting rash of pictures shows that the fluffier the felines, the better the results。喵星人的主人们都在网上迫不及待地秀他们的喵星人发型。而从这些照片显示的效果来看,越是毛茸茸的喵星人,做出来的效果越好。

  The trend was the brainchild of Eric Rosario, owner of internet sensation Chairman Meow, who has started a website which allows other animal lovers to show the hilarious results of their experiments。这一想法是Eric Rosario的主意,他是轰动一时的著名猫咪“喵主席“的主人,他建立了一个让爱动物的人们可以展示自己各种搞笑试验照片的网站。

  Warm as toast: This woman seems delighted with her tabby catfro, and it would certainly keep out the cold。像土司面包一样温暖:图中女主人面带笑容的戴着她虎斑猫假发,这款发型一定很保暖的吧。

  This glossy black cat makes a magnificent catfro, which suits its owner's dark eyebrows。这只光彩夺目的黑猫绝对是一顶无与伦比的喵星假发,是不是很配女主人的黑眉毛呢?

  This white and black fluffy pet seems quite relaxed to be a catfro - for the moment。这只黑白相间的喵星人看上去挺喜欢当主人的假发,至少现在是这样。

  This fluffy grey cat looks more like a Russian hat than an afro, and a rather displeased Russian hat。这只灰色毛茸茸的家伙看上去不像是爆炸式假发,更像是一款俄罗斯帽子,而且还是一款相当不开心的俄罗斯帽子。

  As catfros go, this furry pet makes a rather splendid one - and seems rather proud of itself, too。就喵星假发而言,这只毛茸茸的喵星人看上去光彩夺目——它看上去好像也很自豪的样子。

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