美媒评出十大自拍 巴菲特英女王入镜(双语)

2014年12月05日16:10  中国日报网 微博    收藏本文     

  10. Kim Kardashian Almost Gets Attacked by Elephant While Taking a Selfie


  Based on this photo, it looks like reality TV show star and prolific selfie-taker Kim Kardashian was almost injured while trying to pose for a selfie with an elephant in Thailand. The Internet loved this picture, but one major question remains: Will she include this image in the book of selfies that she’s publishing with Rizzoli next year? It’s also possible the elephant just wanted to see how it looked in the shot。

  从这张照片看,电视真人秀明星及自拍狂——金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)在泰国试图与大象自拍合影时险些受伤。在这张自拍照中,也有可能大象只是想看看照片中自己的模样。网民们十分喜爱这张照片,但是还有个问题:卡戴珊会将这张照片放进她的自拍书籍中吗?据悉,这本与里佐利(Rizzoli)合著书籍将于明年出版。


  9. World Cup Victory Selfie


  This soccer tournament only happens every four years, so naturally, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was a sport about taking a selfie with the team’s striker Lukas Podolski after Germany beat Portugal to win the 2014 title。

  世界杯足球赛每四年举行一次,所以自然而然,在德国队击败葡萄牙队赢得2014世界杯冠军时,作为球迷的德国总理安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)与球队前锋卢卡斯·波多尔斯基(Lukas Podolski)自拍纪念胜利。


  8. Brad Paisley’s Selfie Trolls Westboro Baptist Church


  The country music star took a selfie in front of Westboro Baptist Church members protesting his hit song “Alcohol” with “God Hates Drunks” signs before a Kansas concert. He seemed to get a kick out of it because he does’t drink, and the image has racked up nearly 245,000 “likes” on Facebook to date。

  美国乡村歌手布拉德·派斯利(Brad Paisley)在威斯特布路尽信会教堂(Westboro Baptist Church )成员们前自拍。这些宗教人士抗议他的主打歌《酒精》,还在其堪萨斯(Kansas)音乐会前高举着“上帝憎恨酒醉”的标牌。不过,布拉德似乎还蛮开心的,因为他不喝酒,而这张自拍照赢得脸书(Facebook)上近24万5千个点赞。


  7. Guy Kicked in the Head by Speeding Train While Taking Selfie


  In a train-wreck of an idea, a man gets smacked in the head by the conductor while trying to take a photo of himself as a speeding train whizzes by. He admits in the video description that the idea was “messed up,” so kids, don’t try this at home。



  6. Guy Takes Selfie Running from the Bulls


  During the Pamplona bull run over the summer, a man was wanted by the police for taking a selfie in front of two bulls, violating the Spanish city’s regulation prohibiting the use of mobile devices to ensure festival-goers’ safety. He reportedly faced a $4,100 fine and definitely faced endless ridicule on Twitter。



  5. Mars Rover’s Selfie


  NASA’s Mars Curiosity rover took an out-of-this-world image on June 24 to mark a full Martian year, which is 687 days on Earth. It had a productive year, between collecting rock samples and discovering a former lakebed that NASA says had “essential elemental ingredients for life。” But no word on how close it is to finding living organisms capable of taking selfies。



  4. Boy’s Selfie with Paul McCartney and Warren Buffett


  A young man snapped the selfie of a lifetime with former Beatle Paul McCartney and business tycoon Warren Buffett sitting on a bench outside of an Omaha, Neb., ice cream joint in July。

  在美国内布拉斯加州(Nebraska)的奥哈马市(Omaha),一男孩迅速按下快门,拍下了与正坐在长凳上的前披头士成员保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)及商业巨亨沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)的自拍合影。


  3. Queen Elizabeth Photobombs a Selfie


  Australian field hockey player Jayde Taylor was surprised to find the Queen smiling in the background of a selfie she snapped at the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games in July。

  澳大利亚曲棍球运动员泰勒(Jayde Taylor)惊奇地发现她的一张自拍照背景中有笑眯眯的女王陛下,这是她在2014年7月参加格拉斯哥英联邦运动会(Commonwealth Games)时所拍的。


  2. Biden’s First Instagram Selfie


  When Vice President Joe Biden joined Instagram as @vp in April, he showed millennial voters how hip he is by sharing a selfie with President Barack Obama in the back of a car. Around that time, the two were on a joint trip in Oakdale, Pa., to announce an increase in funding for job-training grants. Before you knew it, he was posing for selfies with Katy Perry and with voters at campaign rallies before the midterm elections。

  美国副总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)于四月注册Instagram(图片社交应用)用户后,发布了一张与贝拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)坐在车后座的自拍合影,以此来向他的选民们展现他的兴奋心情。那会儿,两人在宾夕法尼亚州(Pennsylvania)的奥克代尔市(Oakdale)为增加就业培训补助资金而忙碌着。而此前,拜登在其中期选举之前,曾与凯蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)以及他的选民们自拍合影。


  1. Ellen’s Oscars Selfie


  And the award for most retweeted tweet in history (so far) goes to…the selfie Ellen DeGeneres orchestrated at the 2014 Academy Awards, starring Jennifer Lawrence, Channing Tatum, Julia Roberts, Kevin Spacey, Brad Pitt, Lupita Nyong’o, Angelina Jolie, Bradley Cooper, Meryl Streep and Jared Leto. It may have been sponsored by Samsung, but that didn’t stop us from retweeting, memeing and talking about it for weeks。

  自拍照第一名当属艾伦·德杰尼勒斯(Ellen DeGeneres)主持2014年度奥斯卡颁奖典礼时与众明星的自拍合影,该自拍照成为目前为止史上转发量最多的推文。该自拍照中有詹妮弗·劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawrence)、查宁·塔图姆(Channing Tatum)、茱莉亚·罗伯茨(Julia Roberts)、凯文·史派西(Kevin Spacey)、布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)、露皮塔·尼永奥(Lupita Nyong’o)、安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)、布莱德利·库伯(Bradley Cooper)、梅丽尔·斯特里普(Meryl Streep)和杰瑞德·莱托(Jared Leto)。虽然该自拍手机是由三星(Samsung)提供赞助的,但是也无法阻挡我们持续数周的转发,讨论这张自拍照。

文章关键词: 双语自拍

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