混合项目 mixed-gender events
Mixed-gender events in athletics, swimming, table tennis and triathlon have been approved for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, the IOC has announced.
IOC president Thomas Bach said the Games will be "more youthful, more urban and include more women".
2020年东京奥运会将新增9个男女混合项目包括乒乓球混合双打(mixed doubles in table tennis)、游泳4x100米混合接力(4x100m medley mixed relay in swimming)、射箭混合团体赛(mixed team event in archery)、田径4x400米混合接力(4x400m mixed relay in athletics)、柔道混合团体赛(mixed team event in judo)、铁人三项混合团体接力( mixed team relay in triathlon)和三个男子射击项目变为男女混合项目,新增加的项目大幅度提高了男女混合项目的数量。
Tokyo 2020 will see an overall reduction of 285 athletes from the 2016 Rio Games after the program adjustment, which also features significant changes in existing events toward gender balance by transferring some men's disciplines to women's and mixed.
根据执委会当天的决定,三对三篮球(three-on-three basketball event)也将成为2020年东京奥运会新增项目之一,这符合东京奥运会提出的城市集群概念,同时也是第一个从青奥会项目升级为奥运会项目的运动。
东京奥运会的其他新增项目还包括:男子和女子击剑项目团体赛、场地自行车男子和女子麦迪逊赛(the madison to the cycling program)、公园小轮车男子和女子自由式比赛(freestyle BMX)、男子800米自由泳和女子1500米自由泳(men's 800m and women's 1500m freestyle races)。
悬浮议会 hung parliament
Britain will have a hung parliament, with no party winning majority in the snap general election, according to official results announced Friday morning.
在已经揭晓的英国大选结果中,保守党获得306个席位(the Conservatives got 306 seats),其主要对手工党(main rival Labour)获得258席,没有政党赢得成为多数党所需的326席(no party has won 326 seats required for becoming a majority party),确定将产生"悬浮议会(hung parliament)"。
4月,英国首相特雷莎·梅宣布提前举行大选(call a snap general election),旨在利用当时民调支持率大幅领先(commanding lead)的优势,通过选举增加议会席位,强化其在脱欧谈判中的话语权(bolster her position in Brexit negotiations),以兑现"硬脱欧(hard Brexit)"的诺言。然而,一系列恐怖袭击(a string of terror attacks)使舆论风向发生了转变,主张"软脱欧(soft Brexit)"的科尔宾率领的工党更能迎合选民心理。
英国各大报刊的头条称,特雷莎·梅提前大选的政治赌博事与愿违(Theresa May's political gamble in calling a snap general election had backfired)。出现悬浮议会后,通常有筹组联合政府(form a coalition government)、组建少数派政府(form a minority government)或重新选举(re-election)三种解决方案。
与巴拿马建交 establishment of diplomatic relations with the Republic of Panama
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held a meeting in Beijing with Isabel de Saint Malo, Panama's vice president and foreign minister, and they signed a joint communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations.
According to the communique, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Panama, in keeping with the interests and desire of the two peoples, have decided to recognize each other and establish diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level effective from the date of signature of this communique.
王毅表示,巴拿马政府从国家长远发展和人民根本利益出发,毅然作出承认一个中国原则,同台湾方面“断交”、同中国建交的正确政治决定。中巴建交是双方为谋求两国人民的长久福祉,遵从两国人民的普遍意愿,共同迈出的历史性一步。建交后,巴在政治上增加了一位值得信赖的朋友(a trustworthy friend in politics),经济上增加了一个稳定持久的合作伙伴(a stable and long-lasting partner in economy),国际关系中增加了一份相互支持的有力依靠(strong and poerful support in international relations)。
巴拿马副总统兼外长德圣马洛表示,巴拿马高度重视中国的国际地位,同中国建交是基于巴拿马的长远和根本利益,顺应两国人民心愿做出的战略选择和正确决定,开启了两国关系新篇章(it will open a new chapter for the relations between the two countries)。巴方坚持一个中国原则,不再同台湾发生任何官方关系。巴方将同中方在相互尊重的基础上,做相互信赖的伙伴,扩大在政治、经济、海事、旅游、投资、教育等各领域的合作(expand cooperations in politics, economy,maritime affairs, tourism, investment and education),携手促进发展中国家的合作。
足球运动的真谛 the essence of soccer
Chinese President Xi Jinping met with FIFA president Gianni Infantino on Wednesday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.
Xi noted that the Chinese government attached great significance to the development of soccer and provided strong and consistent support for the sport.
在会见中,习近平表示,足球运动的真谛不仅在于竞技,更在于增强人民体质,培养人们爱国主义、集体主义、顽强拼搏的精神(the essence of soccer lies not only in competition, but, more importantly, in enhancing people's health and cultivating people's patriotism, collectivism and the spirit of indomitable struggle)。
习近平指出,近年来,我们集中力量制定足球改革和发展总体方案,坚定推进改革。我们正在培养全社会足球文化(promoting the philosophy of soccer among the whole society),深化足球管理体制改革,建立符合世界足球发展规律和中国国情、专业高效的组织管理体系(establishing a professional and effective management system in accordance with the rules of the sport's global development and China's national situation),大力发展青少年足球,完善足球场地等基础设施,加强国际交流借鉴(enhancing international exchanges),通过扎扎实实的努力,久久为功,逐步提高中国足球水平(gradually raising the level of China's soccer sport through solid and continuous work over a long time),让积极向上的足球文化成为中国人民实现中国梦的正能量。
习近平赞赏因凡蒂诺就任国际足联主席后致力于足球事业发展、关注中国足球事业(Xi thanked Infantino for having provided great support to the development and reform of soccer as a sport in China),强调中方将积极支持国际足联工作,愿为推动世界足球运动发展做出应有贡献。中国同国际足联合作前景广阔(China-FIFA cooperation has a good future)。