长臂管辖 long-arm jurisdiction
When asked whether the United States had threatened reprisals or sanctions on enterprises with links to the DPRK, Geng said China had implemented the UN Security Council's resolutions concerning the DPRK.
"China opposes 'long-arm jurisdiction' on foreign enterprises," said Geng, adding that China has made this stance very clear to the United States.
美国司法长期奉行的“长臂管辖权”(Long Arm Jurisdiction),是指“当被告人的住所不在法院地州,但和该州有某种最低联系,而且所提权利要求的产生已和这种联系有关时,就该项权利要求而言,该州对于该被告人具有属人管辖权,可以在州外对被告人发出传票”。通俗来讲就是:“哪怕你不在我这个州,但只要你的行为与我有最低联系,我也能够管你。”
而在5天前,另一位外交部发言人陆慷谈及同一问题时,也先后三次使用这个词反复强调:我们反对其他国家仅凭自己的国内法实施所谓“长臂管辖”(China opposes one country imposing long-arm jurisdiction on the entity of another country in accordance with its own domestic laws)。
If any country tries to exercise "long-arm jurisdiction" by enforcing its domestic laws over China's enterprises and individuals, we are firmly opposed to that.
We have relayed the aforementioned positions to the US side in our recent communication.
网络安全事件应急预案 emergency response plan for internet security incident
China released Tuesday an emergency response plan for internet security incidents.
The plan was formulated and released by the Office of the Central Leading Group for Cyberspace Affairs, to "improve handling of cybersecurity incidents, prevent and reduce damage, protect the public interest and safeguard national security, public safety and social order."
该预案中的网络安全事件是指由于人为原因(human error)、软硬件缺陷或故障(hardware and software faults)、自然灾害(natural disaster)等,对网络和信息系统或者其中的数据造成危害,对社会造成负面影响的事件,可分为:
有害程序事件(pernicious procedural incidents):计算机病毒事件、蠕虫事件、特洛伊木马事件、僵尸网络事件、混合程序攻击事件、网页内嵌恶意代码事件和其他有害程序事件。
网络攻击事件(cyber attacks):拒绝服务攻击事件、后门攻击事件、漏洞攻击事件、网络扫描窃听事件、网络钓鱼事件、干扰事件和其他网络攻击事件。
信息破坏事件(information destruction):信息篡改事件、信息假冒事件、信息泄露事件、信息窃取事件、信息丢失事件和其他信息破坏事件。
信息内容安全事件(information security incidents):通过网络传播法律法规禁止信息,组织非法串联、煽动集会游行或炒作敏感问题并危害国家安全、社会稳定和公众利益的事件。
设备设施故障(equipment failure):软硬件自身故障、外围保障设施故障、人为破坏事故和其他设备设施故障。
灾害性事件(disastrous events):由自然灾害等其他突发事件导致的网络安全事件。
其他事件(other incidents):不能归为以上分类的网络安全事件。
中央网信办将网络安全事件分为四级:特别重大网络安全事件(extremely serious internet security incidents)、重大网络安全事件(serious internet security incidents)、较大网络安全事件(relatively serious internet security incidents)、一般网络安全事件(general internet security incidents)。
联合国儿童基金会青年教育使者 special advocate for education by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Chinese singer and actor Wang Yuan, a member of the pop band TFBOYS has been appointed as a special advocate for education by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).
“I am very proud to join UNICEF China as Special Advocate for Education − it’s not only an honor but also a responsibility. From this day on, I will be more active in promoting education and development for China’s children, and do as much practical work as I can…Education is a right; we should never allow it to be a privilege. Let’s work hard to make education even better in the future.”
联合国儿童基金会与中国政府合作,共同促进并支持中国所有的儿童都享有优质的教育。联合国儿童基金会(United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund,UNICEF)与合作伙伴一道,在中国偏远贫困地区(in remote and disadvantaged areas of China)推广“爱生学校”模式(Child Friendly School model)。“爱生学校”项目旨在支持学校以儿童的最大利益为出发点,提高教育质量,促进教育公平。联合国儿童基金会倡导“儿童优先”(children come first)的理念,每一名儿童,不论他们是何身份及身处何地,都有权利接受优质教育(every child, no matter who they are, no matter what part of China they come from, has a right to high-quality education)。
在王源之前,陈坤、马伊琍、杨澜以及张曼玉都曾经先后担任过联合国儿童基金会的大使(UNICEF Ambassador)。
香港回归祖国20周年 the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China
President Xi Jinping inspected the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Garrison in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) at Shek Kong barracks on Friday.
习近平乘检阅车依次检阅20个方队(review 20 formations)。阅兵场上,3100余名官兵和100多件武器装备(over 100 pieces of military equipment)整齐列阵,接受了检阅。
"Hong Kong's development has always pulled at my heartstrings," President Xi Jinping said on Thursday, after arriving at the Hong Kong International Airport.
一是表达祝福(express best wishes for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)。热烈祝贺香港特别行政区成立20年来取得的巨大成就,衷心祝愿香港再创辉煌。
二是体现支持(showcase the support for the HKSAR from the central government)。20年来,中央始终是香港发展的坚强后盾。中央将一如既往支持香港发展经济、改善民生。
三是谋划未来(plan the future)。将与香港各界一道,回顾这20年非凡历程(join people from all walks of life in Hong Kong to review the SAR's extraordinary 20-year journey),总结经验,展望未来,确保“一国两制”行稳致远(to ensure the smooth and long-term successful practice of the "one country, two systems" policy)。
习近平表示,期待着亲身感受香港这些年的新变化。相信通过在港的一系列活动,一定会增强我们建设好、发展好香港的信心(through the series of events to be staged in Hong Kong, our determination and confidence in developing and building a better Hong Kong will surely be enhanced)。
29日中午,习近平主席会见了香港特别行政区行政长官梁振英,下午会见了香港特别行政区行政、立法、司法机构负责人(senior figures of the SAR's executive, legislative and judicial bodies)。
7月1日,习近平主席将出席庆祝香港回归祖国20周年大会(celebrations marking the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China)暨香港特别行政区第五届政府就职典礼(the inauguration of the HKSAR's fifth-term government)并视察香港。
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)