北文考研英语名师谈复习:英语作文复习技巧 | |||||||||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/07/28 18:03 新浪教育 | |||||||||
网友:考研英语作文该如何复习呢? 王长喜: 来新浪之前,我也看到同学们的帖子,所以来的时候带了两篇文章和大家共同的看一下。因为我单讲的话没有感性认识,所以拿了两篇文章,大家看一下,跟大家的出入是非常大的。
1997年英语作文 1. Interpret the following pictures. 2.Predict the tendency of tobacco consumption and give your reason. From the figures we can see smoking is harmful to people‘s health. On one hand, it cause many diseases; on the other, it costs a lot of money. But today people all over the world still smoke a lot. Some people smoke out of habit. Others enjoy smoking, and find it is good for their nerves when they are tired. And still others smoke to be sociable: they like to offer fridns cigarette when talking business with others. But as we all know doctors have warned people that tobacco is very dangerous to the smokers and may cause all kind of illness, including the cancer of lung. Many deaths are caused every year. And the government too are taking measures to prevent people from smoking. As far as I am concerned. I think smoking is a great evil that should be abolished. I think government should take stronger measures to eventually ban tobacco all together. (155字) 1998年英语作文 1. Write out the messages conveyed by the cartoon. 2. Give your comments The carton shows us the messages conveyed. Today, we see messages conveyed in our life, this like the cartoon picture, the hen‘s promise, the hen‘s egg who are ensured the egg should be all the age things. From the cartoon, we see this recovered some problem. Some promise raised in our social. Firstly, some produties and some companies in order to gain profits, they nelected the peoples‘s hope and ieads. A serval proty says produce a large of by profitable. Secondly, some unit long for advance in some unite and factory, they seledom songs highly songs, which keep thier majority conditions, this generally made wrong measure to deal with our goverment, our people. Thirdly, this observes let‘s unpleasured and worried. This cheat factors bring up troulbes in people‘s life, the people don‘t know the massages conveyed is true or not. The messages conveyed is conveyed, or isn‘t conveyed. In my opinion that this observes large dangerous our life, the messages conveyed isn‘t conveyed, and the messages conveyed bring not conveyed. My comments that we improve and critics this observes, Our goverment and our solical must highly deal with this promblem, Our people must save this wrong action, let messages conveyed truely bring our life, let our solical have actually improved this problem, In order to our future.(217字) Quality of Products Now our society is undergoing a reform from plannned economy to marketoriented economy. It bring us many benefits, including the raising of the material livings and entertainments. However, with the development of market economy, some people who do not observe the law take advantage of the opportunity to make money. To some manufacturers, regardless of the quality of products, they only care for making money. They make all sorts of promises, but virtually mean nothing. They do not avoid being invested. Like the drawing in the cartoon, the hen promises that the eggs she lays are bound to contain the three things all the eggs have. But whether the eggs can be eaten, it is another thing. Perhaps, they do not contain nurtrions at all. Thus we see that her promises is not relianble. As to the quality of products, people have a great concern to it. Inferior products make us suffer not only economally but also psychologily. When we spend some money but get nothing, we are sure to be angry. I hope that there are more laws about the quality of products to protect the consumer. As long as all of us take action, the quality of products will be improved greatly.(208字) 同学们,这是两年的,一个是1997年的,一个是1998年,我主要讲一下大作文,大作文占20分。同学们可以看一下第一篇文章,第一篇文章基本上没有任何的语法错误。词汇用得也比较好,非常的顺,没有语言上特别大的毛病,这里面唯一的一个单词就是“朋友”这个单词调了一个字母,这可能是唯一一个瑕疵。同学们回到家以后可以对照着图表,因为这几年我们一直大作文考的是图表作文。看到这篇文章,请大家判断一下,97年的这篇文章,同学们大约能给多少分,满分是15分。同学们给多少分呢?这篇最后的得分是0分。 下面我们再看一下98年这篇文章,我给了两篇文章,需要说明的是,97年那篇文章出题人给判卷老师的样题,也就是说出题人给判卷人说,如果哪位同学写得像我这篇就给0分。 我们再看一下98年的第一篇,请大家仔细阅读98年第一篇文章,这篇文章是一个学生写的。我是原封不动的抄下来给大家。这篇文章读完以后简直不叫文章,可能让我们同学一看的话,也就给它2分,甚至是0分,因为里面除了半句能理解外,其他都是不能理解的,没有完整一句话能够理解的。从用词上,从语法上,都是不正确的。这个时候,第一篇最后得分是多少分呢?满分是15分,而这篇文章得了10分。 我们再看98年的第2篇文章,98年的第2篇文章,按说起来应该给到8分到10分的样子,但是这篇文章的实际得分是1分,这里面就出现了一个大的问题,写作得分的高与低,取决于评分的标准,评分的标准,我们说有四个标准,第一是内容切题,第二是条理清楚,第三是句式变化,第四是用词准确。所有这些文章都要根据这四条来,我们再回过头来看再看97年这篇文章,为什么出题人给自己写的这篇文章打到0分呢?因为他完全跑题。跑题不跑题怎样去判断?主要是判断指导语中的一和二。请同学们再回过头看一下一,97年的一让你写什么呢?解释下列数字,当时是四个图,大约是有七八个数字,而刚才命题人写的这篇文章没有提到一个数字,所以指导语中的一算跑题了。 再看一下指导语中的二,指导语中的二说预测烟草销量的趋势,并给出原因。看命题人那篇文章里面没有说到烟草的销量是上升了还是下降了,也没有给出原因,所以说这篇文章是完全的跑题,所以命题人给自己0分。 那么再看一下98年的第二篇文章,首先看一下指导语的一,一让大家写出来,描述图表中所含的意思,那篇是一个母鸡下蛋的问题,旁边有一首诗写的是“如此承诺” 各行各业兴承诺,欢迎监督不推托。原本皆为份内事,何须高唱“文明歌“。 在图片上可以看到母鸡刁了一张纸,纸上写着本“母鸡下的蛋不见棱见角,保证有蛋清、蛋黄和蛋壳”,你可以看一看,实际上98年的第一篇写的啥都不是,为什么得了十分呢?你看它切题不切题,第一段的第一句话,跟指导语中的一,跟描写图表是完全一致的,98年指导语的一与句子是完全相似的,指导语的二说的是你的观点是什么,而这篇文章的第三段,第一句话就是“我的观点是”,所以判卷老师判断是切题。这位老师判卷的时候是浏览的方式,而不是仔细阅读,可能这位判卷老师只看到每一段的第一句话,认为内容切题的。第二,条理清楚,看条理清不清楚,就看第二段,第一句话是主题句,下面第二句话就是第一是什么,第二是什么,第三是什么,所以判卷老师认为条理清楚,做到内容切题,条理清楚,所以给了10分,本来应得0,而得了10分。 再看一下98年第二篇文章,98年第二篇文章写得非常的好,甚至能够达到英语专业水平的一种写法,既然能用英文表达出来市场导向型经济,一般同学写市场经济就行了,而且“导向”这个词用英文表达出来,可以肯出没有任何语法上的错误。切题不切题呢?第二篇文章也切题了,在第一段的后半部分,说的是像卡通里边所说的一样,母鸡的承诺并不是不可靠的。这么一大段,按说是切题的,而文章的要求让写两大段,第一段是切题了,第二段没有切题,应该给到8分左右,至少是7.5分,因为作文没有小数点的,所以要么给7分,要么给8分的,为什么这篇得了1分呢?就是因为考生把重要的东西放在段的里面,而没有放在段的开头,所以这就告诉同学们在写作的时候把重要的话放在最前面,让老师判卷的时候一眼就知道你这篇文章是切题的。这就做到内容切题,条理清楚。 我再提醒大家一下,在练习写作的时候应该怎样练习呢?其实练习并不需要特别多的练习,主要是内容切题、条理清楚这两大重要的点,一般情况下听老师讲课能听六个小时就足以了,但是评分标准的第三、第四项,就是句式变化、用词准确,这两个是老师教不得的,不可能在课堂上,包括在新浪网上把所有的词汇一个一个教去,只能在阅读当中,不管是搞翻译的阅读也好,还是搞搭配阅读也好,还是平常阅读理解也好,以及英语知识利用,我们叫完形填空,在这些阅读当中应该积累词汇,在阅读报纸当中积累词汇,这就靠我们平时积累的。至于说最重要的内容切题、条理清楚,听老师几个小时的讲座就可以了,或者看《12句内容作文法》,也可以看到。从词句来讲,也可以读《考研英语阅读120篇》和《考研阅读180篇》都是通过阅读掌握词汇,把词汇掌握好了,写作的时候就得心应手了,如果还不太清楚的话,可以上中国考试网站上提更详细的内容。 更多信息请访问:新浪考研频道 |