考研英语作文写作技巧 | |||||||||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/09/29 17:59 新浪教育 | |||||||||
网友:请问杜老师,写英语作文是否用大词、难词或者长难句才能考高分呢? 杜子华:这个问题也非常的好,其实有很多例子可以证明,一篇作文,学生可以用很难的单词,也可以用非常复杂的句子,但真正作文的评分标准,单词有影响,句子长短的结构变化也有影响,但不是最重要的东西或者不是特别重要的东西。而最重要的东西是一篇文章的布局如何,你是否能够按照西方人写文章的思路或者西方人写文章的布局来紧密的表达
范文:The picture shows that the father is not treated well by his four children.None of his three sons and daughter wants to look after him.What is happening to this father says a lot about the relationship between parents and their grown-up children in China today. It is true that some parents in China are not well taken care of.This is,to many people,surprising or even shocking,because there has always been a fine tradition in China in which seniors and parents are respected and well attended to.However,this tradition is now going.Some grown-up children in China today are not paying much attention to their parents.which is a terrible thing. I am suggesting that parents should be well looked after by their children,since all children owe so much to their parents.Parents gave them life ,and brought them up by giving them food,clothes and love.It is only natural that children should care for them and love them in return. Therefore,I would like to conclude by saying that children in China should take on the duty to provide housing,food and most of all,love for their parents.The fine tradition of respecting the seniors in China should remain a part of our culture and it should be something that we Chinese people ought to be proud of. 第一段,这个图片想说明的是一个父亲的四个长成人的孩子不想照顾他,这说明什么问题呢?说明了在中国现在做父母的和他们已经长大成人的孩子的关系在改变。你看看这一段当中可能没有一个生词或难词。但实际上在写作文的时候,最重要是围绕中心思想,把它写得明明白白就行了。 第二段是怎么写呢?第一段最后一句是说中国的家长和长成人的孩子的关系在改变。第二段第一句话在说在中国的确有一些家长没有被孩子照顾好,接下来就写这个东西是非常惊讶的,而是令人感到震惊的,因为中国一直有一个优良传统,我们要尊老,要尊重自己的父母。到后面要转折一下,然而,现在这种传统正在改变,使得一些孩子根本不关注他们的父母,这是一个非常糟糕的东西。 写到这个地方,再怎么写呢?接下来就写到,我这个地方开始建议孩子应该照顾好他的父母,接下来说为什么要照顾好他的父母呢?因为父母给了孩子的生命,给他们饭吃,给他们衣服穿,把他们养大成人,作为孩子来讲就必须关心他的父母,爱他的父母。 最后一段是结束,因此说,中国的孩子应该担负得起父母,应该给他们提供吃的,给他们提供的东西。中国的传统文化必须存在,我们中国人应该以此为骄傲。 这篇文章放在这当中,你看当中没有一个生词,没有一个你不认识的句子,是一篇每个学生都能写出来的作文。 当然我也要说,这里面的表达同一思想的单词应该说最好有点差距,比如说关心父母,我用四种不同的说法,一种叫treat well,我用了另外几个词是take care of,respect, attend to,还有一个是look after ,还有一个叫care for,这些词或词组都表达一个含义,就是要关心、尊重父母。因为在写文章的过程中重复的使用单词,显然能够表现出一个人的词汇匮乏,这种变化是好的。但是我这个地方建议各位考生,一定要学会用这些简单的单词和句子按照西方发展思想的方式表达自己的思想。 更多信息请访问:新浪考研频道 |