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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/06/14 17:16  恩波教育




  1. 金钱不等于快乐。

  2. 中国女排在奥运会上所取得的胜 利对中国人民是一个巨大的鼓舞。

  3. 许多左撇子不得不培养自己在一个由右撇子们所主导的世界里生活的技能。

  4. 在北美定居下来的白人实际上并不是第一个来到新大陆的移民。

  5. 参与太空探索的能力代表了一个国家的科技和经济发展的水平。

  Money doesn’t ensure/guarantee happiness.

  The victory of Chinese women’s volleyball team at the Olympic Games was a great inspiration to all Chinese people.

  Many left-handed people have to learn to develop skills to live in a world dominated by right-handed people.

  White people settling down in the North America were actually not the first immigrants to the New World.

  The ability to take part in space exploration represents the level of a nation’s scientific and economic development.


  1. A person stuck in an unhappy marriage faces only two options: stay married and miserable, or get divorced and, hopefully, become happy.

  2. In the past three decades, many countries have formulated laws and regulations to protect animals from being abused or killed, and many have set up reservation areas to protect endangered animals.

  3. For the rich, good education, travel, luxury and security are all readily available, while the poor attain these with great difficulty, if at all.

  4.The more we find out about the universe, the more confused we seem to become.


  1. Films that involve too much violence are harmful to young people.

  2. Some people may be addicted to netsurfing, which impairs their physical and mental health.

  3. The argument that human cloning may have great medical significance is totally unacceptable.

  4. Whether you plan to stay for a week or for a year in a new place, you will benefit from learning about the place before you go.

  5. Laughter is rightly called the best medicine as it relieves not only the one who laughs, but those around him as well.


  1. 载人


  2. 我们都知道,中国还是一个发展中的国家,其教育水平仍然落后于发达国家。不少中国年青人由于教育设施的匮乏而得不到接受高等教育的机会。

  3. 人道是骄兵必败。就拿拿破仑和希特勒(Napoleon and Hitler)来说吧,他们所想披靡,便以为自己战无不胜,不可阻挡。

  4. 常言道,好的开端是成功的一半。在求职时,求职者事先做好充分的准备是非常重要的。我认为,事先做不做准备常常会影响求职者的成功机会。

  5. 首先,大量阅读应被视作学习过程中的重点,因为我们是通过阅读获取最大量语言输入的。其次,尽可能多背熟一些好文章也十分重要。大脑中储存了大量很好的文章,我们在用英语表达自己思想的时候,就会觉得容易多了。

  6. 最后,我们应把所学到的东西用到实践中去,这是至关重要的。



  Pass 1

  orient:东方(the ~);定。。。方向(方位)Our firm is oriented towards the export side of the business.

  Schools have to change their management and reorient their mission and vision so as to improve the quality of education.

  couple:be ~d with (The name of Mozart is coupled with the city of Salzburg. / The bad light, coupled with the wet ground, made play very difficult.)

  relative to:相对于;关于或涉及某事物的the facts ~ the problem

  bid:投标,喊价;吩咐,命令 Several firms have bid for the contract to build the new concert hall. / The Bible, in bidding us to feed the hungry and clothe the naked, said nothing about color.

  regulate:控制管理The valve ~s the flow of water. The activities of credit companies are ~d by law. -----deregulate 撤销管制

  property:财产;不动产;特性,性质 She invested her money in property (real estate). Certain plants have medicinal properties.

  Pass 2

  issue: 发行,发表,期号;问题,争端(The self-examination has involved issues of responsibility, creative freedom and corporate bottom line.)

  credit:赊购No credit is given at this shop.;相信,信任(The rumor is gaining ~.);称赞(He got all the ~ for this discovery.);学分gain credits in Math

  scatter:(使)散开;散布The police scattered the crowd. (---scattered分散的,稀疏的 a few scattered settlements)

  personnel:(pl)人员,职员 Airline personnel can purchase flight tickets at reduced prices.

  staff:雇员,全体职员(属某人管的)The ~ in this shop are very helpful.

  为。。。配备人员:The school is ~ed entirely by graduates.(该校学生都是大学毕业生)

  accordingly:相应地 I have told you what the situation is; you must act accordingly.

  promote:提升His assistant was promoted over his head.;增进The organization works to promote friendship between nations. 促销 a publicity campaign to promote her new book.

  utility:实用,效用the ~ value of ; 公用事业单位。

  Pass 3

  potential:n. 潜力 She has artistic ~ as an artist.

  可能性 She studied the German market to find the ~ there for profitable investment.

  capability 能力

  capacity:容纳某事的能力 a hall with a seating capacity of 2000;生产力 factories working at full capacity;理解学习的能力

  Pass 4

  drive:v. 驱动,迫使…行动A man driven by jealousy is capable of anything. n. 干劲,魄力 Our salespeople need determination and drive.

  initiate:开始实施,开始 ~ plans, schemes, social reforms

  counteract:对抗,抵消 ~ the effects of a poison, sb’s bad influence


  ---counterpart:The sales director phoned her counterpart in the other firm.

  Pass 5

  laborious:艰苦的,费力的 a laborious task

  otherwise:adv. 不同地 He should have been working, but he was ~ engaged. adj. 不这样,并非如此(见本文) conj. 不然的话,否则 We must run, ~ we’ll be too late.

  alternate:交替,轮流(~ work with play);间隔的

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