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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/06/14 17:16  恩波教育





  More than a decade ago, the mobile phone was a luxury for only a few, but now it is very common. The rapid spread of the mobile phone is perhaps one of the great miracles of our time.


  Appearances, however, can be deceptive. For my own part I find that the longer I know people, the more they puzzle me.

  …the longer I know a person, the more I’ll be puzzled.


  As the pace of life in today’s world grows ever faster, we seem forever on the go. With so much to do and so little time to do it in, how are we to cope?


  He argues that in a plural society we must attach importance to interpersonal relationships, cooperation, and look at issues from the perspective of other people. If some groups regard themselves as superior and treat other ethnic groups or religions with disrespect, the whole society may be paralyzed.


  Years ago in America, it was customary for families to leave their doors unlocked, day and night. But now one often regrets that people can no longer trust each other and have to resort to elaborate security systems to protect themselves and their possessions.



  Some of the leading experts in the field of aging now believe that regular exercise along with the proper amount of rest may actually add years to the life span.


  In my parents’ words, the difference between their childhood and mine is as vast as that between heaven and earth. What is unbelievable to young people today is that they seldom dined out in a restaurant, or traveled to a scenic spot for a holiday.


  Some people think they work because they have to make a living. They say they envy people who don’t have to work. They dream about a life of all play and no work, a life of endless vacations and holidays. But is it true that money is the only, or the main motivating power that drives us to work ?


  I have to disturb you with this letter, but I am sure you would want to know that your dog Rusty has been wandering onto my property and creating some problems. I would greatly appreciate your doing whatever you can to keep Rusty from getting into our yard.


  Mike’s mother is really bugged by her son’s attitude to learning. When she is keeping an eye on him, he makes like he is going over class notes. Once he is left alone, he will either be hooked on computer games or simply go to bed. Maybe it is time she adopts a more effective approach to his education.




  facilitate:使便利,使更容易――facility(复)设备设施便利条件sports ~ies; shopping ~ies


  access to:接近、靠近(引申)The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields. / Only high officials had access to the president.


  sport:夸示炫耀 sport a moustache, a diamond ring;嬉戏玩耍 seals sporting in the water

  proportionate:成比例的,与某事物相称的 The price increases are proportionate to the increases in the costs of production. ——disproportionate


  a desirable residence/neighborhood/solution/lady

  preoccupation(超):~ with全神贯注于/如痴如迷于(如文);心里总想着的事 A pension is not usually one of the ~s of an eighteen year-old.

  pass 5

  evolutionary interpretation进化论诠释

  natural selection自然选择


  adaptive flexibility灵活的适应

  relief:(痛苦、困苦、忧虑等的)减轻解除The drug gives some relief from pain./ I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard that he was safe. /Much to my relief, I wasn’t late. /It is a great relief to find you here. ——relieve

  suffer:遭受苦头;变坏,变差,变糟Your studies will suffer if you play too much tennis.



  routine:固定而有规则的程序,常规She found it difficult to establish a new ~ after retirement.

  account:户头,帐户open/close an ~;叙述,报告 She gave the police a full ~ of the incident.

  ware:(pl)商品(常指不在店里的)display / peddle one’s wares

  regarding:=with reference to / concerning关于 She said nothing regarding your request.


  cover(age):(新闻记者)报道 ~ the Labor Party’s annual conference

  subscribe (to):订阅,订购 Which journal do you ~ ?;赞成 Do you ~ the pessimistic view of the state of the economy?


  liability:责任义务 ~ for military service;(复)债务 assets & liabilities

  ---liable:be ~ for负法律责任;~ to do sth 易于… We are all ~ make mistakes when tired.

  engage:聘用She was engaged as an interpreter. 占用(时间),吸引(注意力)Nothing engages his attention for long. / The woman’s plight engaged our sympathy. ----I have no time to engage in gossip. ---be engaged with

  spoil:破坏,糟蹋 holidays spoilt by bad weather. / Don’t spoil your appetite by eating sweets between meals. 宠坏 That little girl is terribly spoilt.

  impersonal:不带有个人情感的 ——interpersonal relationship

  detach:拆开,分开detach a link from the chain。 -detached超然的,冷静的her detached response to the crisis -attach:attach a label to the luggage;attach importance to

  spring up:迅速或突然出现、发生weeds springing up everywhere / New houses were springing up all over the town.

  discipline:训练磨练Strict discipline is imposed on army recruits.;

  纪律作风The children are happy at school, but they lack discipline.


  学科scientific disciplines

  pass 4

  renew:重新做,恢复 We renewed our journey the next day.;续期,延长 renew a passport/permit/lease/contract, renew one’s library books, renew one’s subscription to a journal.

  take to:逐渐惯于做… take to sleeping late / He took to gardening in his retirement.

  reduce…to…:使陷入某种状态The reform has reduced us all to servants of the State. Overwork has reduced him to a physical wreck.. The earthquake reduced the whole town to rubble. 将概括或简化为某形式reduce a problem to two main issues

  pass 5

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