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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/09/25 16:46  东方飞龙

  Applied Essay 2


  You are a secretary of a company that is looking for a sales manager. Write an application for a transfer to the new position. Do not sign your own nam
e at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead.

  Dear Sirs,

  Having learned that our company is looking for a sales manger. I venture to write to seek this vacancy.

  I am at present a secretary in the Advertising Department where I have been working for nearly three years. But my major in university was marketing research and I ever took part in various practices in international trade. So I have been feeling very much like working in the Sales Department. Besides, the three years working experience as a secretary enables me to be fluent in both Chinese and English and have strong interpersonal skills. I believe these abilities, as shown in detail in the resume I enclose. should qualify me for the position as a sales manager.

  My leadership, fully aware that I am more suitable as a sales manager, has approved of my transfer should you find it desirable.

  I would like to extend my appreciation in advance if you could grant me an interview.


  Li Ming


   常用词汇

  apply, application, recommend, support, advertise, advertisement, interest, attention, education, experience, confident, opportunity, contribution, development

   常用句式

  ① Id like to apply for the assistance manager of Sales Department.

  ② I will be certified to teach the subject/the grades.

  ③ The principal of the school/the general manager of the company suggested that I wrote concerning my interest in applying for your opening/joining your staff.



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