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Model Essay 1

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/09/25 16:14  东方飞龙



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  Model Essay 1


  Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should focus on the following topic:


  The number of people who keep dogs as pets has greatly increased in recent years.

  And you should explain the causes for the phenomeon.

  Keeping Dogs as Pets

  Nowadays more and more people are beginning to keep dogs as pets. Not infrequently you will come across a lady or a gentleman who walk with their dogs in the street. In the neighborhood, the elderly and children are seen in the evening playing with dogs. Why does keeping pets become more prevalent now?

  There is a definite link between the rise in the number of people keeping pets and the rise in peoples standard of living. For the purchase, the health care, and the feeding of a pet will cost much money. Second, indifference creates a need to keep pets. With the quickening pace of modern life and the fierce competition of society, more and more people feel a sense of indifference, brought on by a lack of normal communication in the family and an absence of social interaction in the neighborhood. And pets, the most intelligent and understanding animal, can best fill the void. The rise in the aging population and the one child family is also responsible. As young adults get married and move out, the aged parents have to live alone. Even if they live together with thier married children, they feel lonely during the days. No doubt, a pet is a wonderful antidote to boredom and loneliness. Pets provide companionship not only to the old but to the child. They bring much amusement and joy to the only child in the family.

  For these reasons, the number of people keeping pets is steadily growing, even it costs much time and money. One day I met an old woman taking a dog for a walk in the neighborhood. She told me:“it is my dog that sustains me in these years. Without her, I would have died earlier.”







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